What is Housing Horizons? Understand the perceptions of housing associations Set a vision for housing associations in 2036 Use that vision as the starting gun for our influencing and positioning work for the next election Housing is a long term business, but we operate in a short term political environment. As a sector we are good at responding to risks, spotting opportunities and being pragmatic to ensure that we continue to deliver for our tenants and communities. Often however those discussions take place with a 1 or even 5 year timeframe in our minds. Too often we operate within short term political and funding cycles meaning that priorities can shift and uncertainty can limit our ambitions. There is an opportunity to shape the need a vision for housing and housing associations that endures over the long term and which can influence and lead policy decisions in Wales.
Building our reputation is not a one off exercise Building our reputation is not a one off exercise. The Homes for Wales campaign was successful in raising housing up the political agenda, with the Welsh Government setting an ambitious 20,000 affordable homes target. However we know that this cannot be a one off exercise. Decision makers change, new issues come to the fore and messages fade. Building and maintaining our reputation needs to be an ongoing, clear and sustained activity for all of us within the housing association sector. This is important not just to ensure that the operating environment supports housing associations to deliver their ambitions but to continue to attract talent to our sector. We need to build on the success of Homes for Wales and consolidate our position in the run up to the next election (s). A clear vision for housing associations will help us to position the sector and lead policy thinking on housing in the run up to the next General Election and next Welsh Assembly election.
What three words would you use to describe a housing association? Setting a vision is about us as a movement. However we do not exist in a vacuum. It’s important to understand how we are perceived and how others view our role and function in order to challenge ourselves and open ourselves to other possibilities, and sometimes uncomfortable truths. To help with this CHC commissioned Positif to undertake a perceptions audit of CHC and Has. Positif surveyed: 21 Assembly Members (cross party) 10 MPs 19 Housing Stakeholders 10 local authorities Positif asked interviewees three questions around their perception and the role and function of housing associations. In the first question: what three words would you use to describe a housing association top descriptors were: Community Affordable Social Quality Also on the list were words such as: Undervalued Enough Leftie Difficult Old Anti
What is the primary function of housing associations? Top answers on the primary function of housing associations: Housing Provide Affordable Quality Need
What role do you see for housing associations over the next 5 years? When asked what role interviewees saw for housing associations over the next 5 years – top answers included: More Homes Housing Need Regenerate Build Social
What does this start to tell us? Decision makers and stakeholders understand the core function of housing associations Overall there is appetite for housing associations to maintain or increase their role in communities There is some appetite for housing associations to take on a broader remit There is some criticism of housing associations as less innovative and old fashioned. Overall a positive picture. Shows we are starting from a good position to cement our role as a partner of choice to solve the housing crisis. But still some work to do in some quarters. What was missing from the responses was a sense of housing associations as an innovative and dynamic sector. Some negative perceptions were also expressed. We are keen that our work to develop a vision isn't solely a conversation within the sector (important as that is) but that it also actively engages others. We will be using this feedback and continuing to engage with partners, decision makers and politicians throughout this work. This will involve establishing a ‘challenge panel’.
What is our vision for the future (2036)? PEOPLE, SERVICES AND COMMUNITY : Who will we house? What services will we provide to our residents? what is our offer to the community in which we operate? Split the network into three groups. Ask them to consider each of the themes in turn (10 mins for each) and record key points on a flip chart.
What is our vision for the future (2036)? WORKFORCE AND LEADERSHIP: What will the workforce look like and what skills will they need? What will the leadership team look and behave like?
What is our vision for the future (2036)? STATE: What will our relationship be like to the state (local and national government)?
What do we need to deliver that vision? Policy Funding environment (public and private finance) Relationship with central and local government Leadership and workforce Technology Ask groups to identify three key factors that are crucial to our ability to deliver the vision (bullet points to help stimulate debate) Feedback
Next steps Establish the challenge What does the housing crisis of 2036 look like? January – February Discuss, discuss, discuss What is our role and who will we provide homes and services for? February – March A vision for HAs in 2036 Draft and consult on our vision and open ourselves up for challenge March – June
Join the discussion Housing Hustings Discuss with your staff and board members Discuss with your local partners and AMs/MPs Let us know your views (consultation)