EOSC Research Objects Hub Thematic services (data products, pipelines, software, virtual appliances..) Research outputs Hub-specific service management processes, business processes, policies Cloud compute Cloud container compute HTC and HPC Storage/data management EOSC Research Objects Hub EGI vision for the EOSC
Federation services and processes Core EOSC services and activities (examples) Federation services/processes (accounting, monitoring,.. Business processes and channels Research objects libraries OSC Core Hub Federated IdP, Auth, Authz Markeplaces Standards and policies Research Object Indexing and discovery services Knowledge an d training EGI vision for the EOSC
A worldwide OSC EOSC Hub EOSC core Hub EOSC Hub OSC Core Hub EOSC Hub Private cloud EGI vision for the EOSC
Open Science Commons (B2B and B2C) / after discussion EOSC CONSUMERS Public& private research/ Educators/ Citizen science/ E-gov/ Innovators Composite service providers B2C Relationships (Commons) Reserch Community services Data providers RIs IaaS providers E-Infras Others COMMERCIAL/PUBLIC SERVICE PROVIDERS B2C Relationships (Private/Community services) B2B Relationships Developing an Open Science Commons
Discussion: EOSC and RIs What role of RIs and EOSC: providers? Consumers? Both? Are private/community services part of the EOSC? Collaborate on identification of EOSC implementation priorities (1 month timeline) By the 7th of April/EGI Conference, III EOSC workshop EGI vision for the EOSC
EOSC next steps Design study and pilot EOSC Governance Stakeholders, rules of engagement, funding, assets, business and service management processes, policies & legal aspects, standards EOSC Technical Architecture Existing and new OS services Pilot of governance/architecture for a EOSC as web of digital objects (involving international partners/research collaborations/stakeholders) Development (in collaboration with networks of stakeholders, in collaboration with the EC OS policy platform) Open Education and skills: EOSC human networks (experts and development of data science experts) Discussion: what proof of concepts and activities are the organizations willing to contribute to (e.g. Governance/Architecture)? Implementation of critical actions (according to a few HLEG-defined priorities) EGI vision for the EOSC