Ammoniation Demonstrations Justin W. Waggoner, Ph.D. K-State Beef Systems Specialist Garden City, KS
(Previous K-State studies) Anhydrous Application Rates Item, % Dry Matter 0% 1.5% 3.0% Straw, (Laytimi et al., 1984, KSU) Crude Protein 3.9 7.7 8.8 IVDMD 47.2 57.3 56.7 ADF 55.6 56.5 56.3 DM Digestibility 45.6 53.8 52.7 CRP Hay (Clark County KS, 2011) Crude Protein 5.1 9.3 9.9 TDN 44.4 46.2 48.0 ADF 52.2 50.3 48.4
Objective Demonstrate the process of ammoniating forages to producers Evaluate the application of different application rates of anhydrous ammonia under field conditions 1.5% of forage DM (30 lbs/ton) 3.0% of forage DM (60 lbs/ton)
Locations River Valley District- Robin Slattery Meadowlark District-Jody Holthaus Pottawatomie County-Austin Sexten Kingman County- Matt Clark Walnut Creek District-Jared Petersilie KSU Stocker Unit
Procedures Bales were stacked in a 3,2 arrangement Covered with 6 mil black plastic Same plastic used at all sites Forage samples were obtained Prior to treatment Approximately 14 days following anhydrous application
Observations Demonstrations were well attended at all sites 30-45 persons Condensation under plastic at some sites Lack of an improvement in ADF/TDN Some sites ADF increased, decreased TDN content
Anhydrous Application Rates Item, % Dry Matter 0% 1.5% 3.0% Crude Protein 3.50 8.60 10.83 ADF 51.38 52.33 52.10 IVDMD Laytimi et al., 1984 Crude Protein 3.9 7.7 8.8 ADF 55.6 56.5 56.3 IVDMD 47.2 57.3 56.7 ----In Progress---
Nutrient Values Crude protein Energy content Consider ½ the increase in CP available 1.5% = 6.1 % CP 3.0% = 7.2 % CP Energy content Brands currently (50% TDN, 0.43 Mcal/lb NEm) Traditional equations from ADF may not fit Based off of IVDMD data
Estimated Cost of Ammoniation/ton Application Rate Item 1.5% 3.0% Straw $60.00 $60.00 Stacking and handling $2.00 $2.00 Plastic ($236, 40 x 100, 6 mil) $6.75 $6.75 Anhydrous Ammonia ($700/ton) $10.50 $21.00 Total Cost $79.25 89.75 Ammoniation cost less hay $19.25 $29.75 Kuhl, 1981 as cited in OSU Publication #PSS-2243
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Beef Systems Specialist Justin W. Waggoner, Ph.D. Beef Systems Specialist Garden City, KS 620-275-9164