The Garnet Valley Middle School Music Department presents: 5th Grade Crossover Night March 10, 2014
Welcome The GVMS music faculty would like to thank everyone in attendance tonight for making this annual event possible. We value your commitment to music education in our school district. The 5th grade crossover night aims to provide valuable information to students and parents about our Middle School music program.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about the Performing Ensembles at Garnet Valley Middle School
What musical groups are offered to 6th grade students? Chorus Band Orchestra
Who are the directors? Chorus- Amy Rothman Band- Jim Olson Orchestra- Erick Wunder
How do I sign-up my child to participate in a music group next year? On the 6th Grade course selection sheet, be sure to check the correct box next to the music ensemble(s) that your son/daughter wishes to participate in. ****Students may be involved in more than one performing ensemble at GVMS.****
Is prior experience necessary to be a part of a musical group? Beginners are Welcome! Student are encouraged to get involved in our music program, regardless of their ability level or past experience.
When do these groups rehearse? In 6th Grade, each group (Chorus, Band, & Orchestra) rehearses as a large ensemble once every 6-days, during a study hall period. The band and orchestra students are also scheduled small group lessons once every 6 days. These lessons alternate periods on a rotating basis.
How will these music groups impact other academic classes? Since the large rehearsals are scheduled during study hall periods, students will not miss any instructional class time. The instrumental lessons occur throughout the day, but if there is a conflict with another subject (lab, test, group project, etc.) students can easily schedule a make-up lesson with the instructor.
When do these groups perform? The GVMS Chorus, Band, and Orchestra perform two concerts each school year (Winter and Spring). These concerts are traditionally held at the Garnet Valley High School.
How are student grades calculated? Each instructor grades differently, but students are graded on lesson and rehearsal attendance and musical progress on their instrument. Since Chorus, Band, and Orchestra are elective courses, these grades cannot prevent students from receiving Honor Roll or Distinguished Honor Roll.
What other performing groups are offered at GVMS? Jazz Band 6th Grade Select Chorus String Ensemble Flute Ensemble Woodwind/Percussion/Brass Ensembles Symphonic Band Recorder Ensemble
When do the small ensembles rehearse? Most ensembles rehearse in the Spring immediately after school one day a week, from 2:30-3:30. The jazz bands rehearse year round later in the evening, typically Wednesdays 6:00-8:00 pm. These musical groups are open to any student who wishes to participate in them.
Do any rehearsals conflict with sports? Students at GVMS are able to participate in both small ensembles and after-school sports in 7th and 8th grade. Special accommodations will be made for these students to be involved in both activities.
Do any rehearsals conflict with ATP? 6th Grade ATP students are scheduled into lessons individually around their participation in music groups, to avoid any serious conflicts.
How can I check for upcoming events and concert dates? The GVMS website will have the concert dates listed on the main calendar. You can also consult our individual teacher web pages for additional information. There will also be a letter sent home with students before each concert which contains information about dress rehearsal time, concert date, and dress code.
Tonight’s Event 6th Grade students will perform short pieces for the 5th Graders and parents. Some of our Small Ensembles will also perform so that the 5th graders can see some of the other performing opportunities available to them at the Middle School.