Rho Chi March Meeting March 4th, 2016
Agenda Pharmacy Exploring Program Interprofessional Cases Chapter Project Proposal Lunch Fundraiser Executive Officer Roles Upcoming Dates
Pharmacy Exploring Program Dr. Dull
Interprofessional Cases March 16th- Heart Ministry Center 1-2 pharmacy students are needed, case will be done through WebEx. Variety of practitioners and students (nurse practitioner, OT, exercise science, and social work) More information soon! April 11th- Physician Assistant Cases 10:30 am- 12:00 pm. Multiple short time slots available Cases will be done through WebEx.
Chapter Project Proposal Our chapter is planning on submitting a Chapter Project Proposal for the Interprofessional Case Project to the Rho Chi national office. “Chapters are encouraged to submit proposals that either describe a detailed plan of action to develop programs and activities that support the mission and vision of the Society, or to describe programs and activities that are in the early stages of implementation.” Proposal is due June 1st. Winners receive $500 for the chapter. Let me know if you are interested in helping prepare the proposal! More information: http://rhochi.org/awards/
PHPSG Lunch Fundraiser April 14th 12-12:50 pm in the MOO Lounge Let me know if you are interested in helping!
Executive Officer Roles
Executive Officers 2015-2016 President – Jessica Jones Vice President – Michael Kaminski Secretary – Laken Brock Treasurer – Hailey Soukup Historian – Katie Gizzie Distance Liaison – Diantha Gonzalez
President – Jessica Jones Coordinate monthly chapter meetings and executive meetings Communication with Rho Chi Advisor, Dr. Roche Oversee committees Head the chapter meetings Assist executive officers with any tasks Communicate with Shawn Cook to organize summer schedule Attend summer officer training workshop and mandatory president’s meetings Notify new initiates and P1 Recognition awardees
Vice President – Michael Kaminski Assist President and other executive members Coordinate Summer Initiation Ceremony for Distance Class Coordinate Spring Initiation Ceremony for Campus Class Coordinate Excellence in Teaching Award
Secretary- Laken Brock Email Rho Chi information to the chapter Send out meeting invites for monthly meetings Set up Webex sessions for Distance members to attend meetings Take minutes at General Meetings and send out to Chapter Take minutes at Executive Meetings Administrator for listserv Administrator of CUInvolved with the help of Web Committee Communicate with Treasurer to help order food for Chapter meetings
Treasurer – Hailey Soukup Maintain accurate finances for the organization Organize catering through Sodexo for chapter meetings Provide reimbursements Work with Vice President to create an initiation budget Create budgets for events and committees
Distance Liaison - Diantha Gonzalez Bridge between the campus and distance students Ensures that the needs of the distance students are being addressed Creates a welcoming environment for active participation by the distance students Introduces distance students at fall meetings Facilitates distance discussion sessions with guest speakers
Historian – Katie Gizzie Attend all PHPSG meetings and report information to President Take photographs at chapter events for archiving Update Rho Chi bulletin board
Election Information If you are interested in running for a position or nominating someone for a position, please submit information to Jessica Jones. Submit a Biosketch containing: Your name A photo A statement about why you are interested in the position Please include how you envision bridging the campus and distance members to help further the Rho Chi Mission and Vision Biosketches are due by the end of the day April 4th Elections will be help at our next general meeting on April 8th
Upcoming Dates March 16th- Heart Ministry Cases April 8th -April Meeting, 12-12:50 PM, BIC G10 April 11th- Physician’s Assistant Cases, 10:30-12:00 PM April 14th- Rho Chi Sponsored PHPSG Lunch, 12-12:50 PM, MOO Lounge April 23rd- Explorer’s Post Event, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Pharmacy Skills Lab April 29th- Last Meeting of the Semester, 12-12:50 PM, BIC G10
Have a great break!!