Principles of Marketing - UNBSJ BA 2303 Principles of Marketing - UNBSJ Personal Selling and Sales Management Instructor – Terry Conrod
Learning Objectives BA 2303 Discuss the nature and scope of personal selling & sales management Identify the different types of personal selling. Explain the stages in the personal selling process. Describe the major functions of sales management.
SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PERSONAL SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENT BA 2303 SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PERSONAL SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENT Nature of Personal Selling and Sales Management Pervasiveness of Selling Personal Selling in Marketing Creating Customer Value through Salespeople: Relationship and Partnership Selling
What is personal selling? BA 2303 Concept Check What is personal selling? Answer: Personal selling involves the two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person's group's purchase decision.
What is involved in sales management? BA 2303 Concept Check What is involved in sales management? Answer: Sales management involves planning the selling program and implementing and controlling the personal selling effort of the firm.
THE MANY FORMS OF PERSONAL SELLING BA 2303 THE MANY FORMS OF PERSONAL SELLING Order Taking Order Getting Customer Sales Support Personnel Missionary salespeople Sales engineer Team selling
How outside order-getting salespeople spend their time BA 2303
BA 2303 Concept Check What is the principal difference between an order taker and an order getter? Answer: An order taker processes routine orders or reorders for products that were already sold by the company. Like order takers, order getters can be inside (an automobile salesperson) or outside (a Xerox salesperson). An order getter sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides them with information, persuades customers to buy, closes the sales, and does follow-up on their use of the product or service.
Concept Check What is team selling? Answer: BA 2303 Concept Check What is team selling? Answer: Team selling is the practice of using an entire team of professionals in selling to and servicing major customers.
THE PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS BA 2303 THE PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS Presentation Stimulus-Response Presentation Formula Selling Presentation Need-Satisfaction Presentation Adaptive selling Consultative selling Handling Objections Close Follow-Up
Stages and objectives of the personal selling process BA 2303
What are the six stages in the personal selling process? BA 2303 Concept Check What are the six stages in the personal selling process? Answer: The six stage of personal selling are: (1) Prospecting, (2) Pre-approach, (3) Approach, (4) Presentation, (5) Close, and (6) Follow-up
What is the distinction between a lead and a qualified prospect? BA 2303 Concept Check What is the distinction between a lead and a qualified prospect? Answer: A lead is the name of a person who may be a possible customer. A qualified prospect is an individual is a customer who wants the product, can afford to buy it, and is the decision maker.
BA 2303 Concept Check Which presentation format is most consistent with the marketing concept? Why? Answer: The need-satisfaction presentation format, which emphasizes problem solving, is the most consistent with the marketing concept.
The sales management process BA 2303 The sales management process
THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS BA 2303 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS Sales Plan Formulation: Setting Direction Setting Objectives Organizing the Salesforce Major Account Management Workload method Developing Account Management Policies
Break even chart for comparing independent agents and a company sales force BA 2303
Organizing the sales force by customer, product, and geography BA 2303 Organizing the sales force by customer, product, and geography
Account management policy grid BA 2303
THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS BA 2303 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS Sales Plan Implementation: Putting the Plan into Action Salesforce Recruitment and Selection Emotional intelligence Sales force Training Salesforce Motivation and Compensation
THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS BA 2303 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS Salesforce Evaluation and Control Quantitative Assessments Sales quota Behavioural Evaluation Technology and the Salesforce Salesforce Automation (SFA)
What are the three types of selling objectives? BA 2303 Concept Check What are the three types of selling objectives? Answer: The three types of selling objectives are: (1) Output - focus on dollar or unit sales volume, (2) Input - emphasize the number of sales calls and selling expenses, and (3) Behaviour - specific for each salesperson and includes his or her product knowledge, customer service, selling and communication skills.
What three factors are used to structure sales organizations? BA 2303 Concept Check What three factors are used to structure sales organizations? Answer: The three factors used to structure sales organizations are: (1) Should the company use its own salesforce, or should it use independent agents? (2) If the decision is made to employ company salespeople, then should they be organized according to geography, customer type, or product or service? And (3) How many company salespeople should be employed?
How does emotional intelligence tie to adaptive selling? BA 2303 Concept Check How does emotional intelligence tie to adaptive selling? Answer: The ability to understand emotional intelligence is important for adaptive selling because it could make the difference between effective and ineffective order-getting salespeople.
BA 2303 Personal Selling The two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person’s or group’s purchase decision.
BA 2303 Sales Management Planning the personal selling program and implementing and controlling the personal selling effort of the firm.
BA 2303 Relationship Selling The practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson’s attention and commitment to customer needs over time.
BA 2303 Partnership Selling The practice whereby buyers and sellers combine their expertise and resources to create customized solutions; commit to joint planning; and share customer, competitive, and company information for their mutual benefit, and ultimately the customer.
BA 2303 Order Taker Processes routine orders or reorders for products that were already sold by the company.
BA 2303 Order Getter A salesperson who sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers with information, persuades customers to buy, closes sales, and follows up on customers’ use of a product or service.
Missionary Salespeople BA 2303 Missionary Salespeople Sales support personnel who do not directly solicit orders but rather concentrate on performing promotional activities and introducing new products.
BA 2303 Sales Engineer A salesperson who specializes in identifying, analysing, and solving customer problems and who brings know-how and technical expertise to the selling situations, but does not actually sell goods and services.
BA 2303 Team Selling Using an entire team of professionals in selling to and servicing major customers.
Personal Selling Process BA 2303 Personal Selling Process Sales activities occurring before and after the sales itself, consisting of six stages: (1) prospecting, (2) pre-approach, (3) approach, (4) presentation, (5) close, and (6) follow-up.
Stimulus-Response Presentation BA 2303 Stimulus-Response Presentation A selling format that assumes the prospect will buy if given the appropriate stimulus by a salesperson.
Formula Selling Presentation BA 2303 Formula Selling Presentation Providing information in an accurate, thorough, and step-by-step manner to inform the prospect.
Need-Satisfaction Presentation BA 2303 Need-Satisfaction Presentation A selling format that emphasizes probing and listening by the salesperson to identify needs and interests of prospective buyers.
BA 2303 Adaptive Selling A need-satisfaction sales presentation that involves adjusting the presentation to fit the selling situation.
BA 2303 Consultative Selling Focuses on problem definition, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution.
BA 2303 Sales Plan A statement describing what is to be achieved and where and how the selling effort of salespeople is to be deployed.
Major Account Management BA 2303 Major Account Management The practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial, long-term, co-operative relationships.
BA 2303 Workload Method A formula-based method for determining the size of a salesforce that integrates the number of customers served, call frequency, call length, and available selling time to arrive at a sales force.
Account Management Policies BA 2303 Account Management Policies Policies that specify whom salespeople should contact, what kinds of selling an customer service activities should be engaged in, and how these activities should be carried out.
Emotional Intelligence BA 2303 Emotional Intelligence The ability to understand one’s own emotions and the emotions of people with whom one interacts on a daily basis.
Salesforce Automation BA 2303 Salesforce Automation The use of technology to make the sales function more effective and efficient.
BA 2303 Sales Quota Contains specific goals assigned to a salesperson, sales team, branch sales office, or sales district for a stated time period.