CS1101 : Using Course Marker
Steps Step 1: Download Course Marker from http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cmarker/client.html Step 2: Unzip the contents of CMC.zip to C:
CMC Directory Course Marker Startup files Use either Command Line Interface cs1101z.bat or GUI Interface cs1101zgui.bat
Steps Step 3: Click on cs1101zgui.bat to start the CourseMarker Client Step 4: You will be prompted with the login screen. Enter your userid/password. Login Screen
Steps Step 5: You are now in the CourseMarker environment.
Steps Step 6: You should proceed to choose the lab exercise you are doing. Select Lab
Steps Step 7: Select the lab, and click Setup. This will download the latest lab from the CMC Server. b. Click Setup to download the lab a. Select the lab
Steps Step 8: You can now proceed to develop your java code. Click on Develop button. This will open the DrJava IDE.
Steps Step 9: Once you have compiled and tested your program in DrJava, you can proceed to submit using the CMC Client. Submit Button is now Enabled. Click on it to submit
Steps Step 10: Clicking on Submit will send your lab submission to the CMC Server. c. Click close Client will show you the number of submissions you have done so far. b. It will also show you the result of your submission.
Steps Congratulations, you have just completed your lab submission!