Partnership on Urban Mobility (PUM) Orientation Paper Presentation of the coordinators DG Meeting 2017/04/04 Malta
Composition of the Partnership
What has already been done on the EU level 2007 – Green Paper on Urban Mobility 2009 – Action Plan on Urban Mobility 2011 – White Paper (chapter on urban mobility) 2013 – Urban Mobility Package UMP (highest profile paper) The partnership complements other existing initiatives. At the moment this list is to be completed at the partnership´s second meeting in May 2017. Intended as a Step 1 (Mapping)
PUM Working Structures
Role of PUM Coordinators (I) Coordinate and organise the work Set-up working structures (management team, working groups, involvement of stakeholders and experts) Coordinate and monitor work processes Allocate the work among partners and management team Define and – if necessary – adapt timetable for work Inform about deliverables, ensure that deliverables come on time Organise, prepare and chair partnership meetings Communicate on progress (via website, articles, etc.)
Role of PUM Coordinators (II) Represent the partnership Contact to the European Commission; regular reporting on progress of work Represent PUM at UA coordinators meetings (2 meetings/year) Represent PUM at UDG/DGUM meetings Represent PUM at MS Expert Group Urban Mobility Cooperating with other UA partnerships (link-up with relevant PUM working groups, inform and share working results, etc.) Animate the „second circle“ (via website, workshops, conferences, etc.) We thank the EC and coordinators of the Pilot Partnerships for support and lesson learnt.
Role of PUM Partners Participate in PUM partnership meetings Participate in PUM working group meetings, contribute to the tasks of the working group Inform relevant actors, bodies and networks at local, regional and national level about the Urban Agenda and the work of the partnership Represent PUM in relevant networks; introduce and discuss PUM Action Plan; reflecting feedback to PUM partnership discussion
Orientation Paper (Draft) Identifying problems and challanges Broad topic (numerous priority areas) – limitating of scope – 4 focal points Governance (horizontal topic – incl. Planning) Innovative solutions and smart mobility Public transport for the city/region and multi-modality Active modes of transport (walking, cycling) and the use of public space Challanges in relation to the focal points are described in greater detail in the OP. During the 2nd Partnership meeting we would like to identify these challanges (incl. best practices + what works/doesn´t work) in greater detail.
Some interesting findings from the OP Cycling is still not perceived as a serious fully-fledged transport mode equal to other modes. Innovation moves very quickly whilst regulation does not keep up with the same pace. An overview, or „platform-of platform“ is seen as being especially necessary with regard to innovative mobility solutions and smart mobility. Businesses are not always aware of existing platforms. In the new world of multimodal transport, distinctions between transport modes and public and private transport are increasingly becoming blurred. Need to connect planning at different levels to ensure overall coherent planning at EU/member state/regional and local levels.
Next steps/Timetable of next meetings Partnership Meeting 2 – 4th May 2017 (Brussels) Partnership Meeting 3 – 14th June 2017 (Hamburg) Partnership Meeting 4 – October 2017 (Hamburg) (if necessary) Partnership Meeting 5 – December 2017 Working groups meetings are foressen – depends on needs – can be 4 – 5 per year (to be definied at the Meeting 2) Draft Action Plan is to be submitted by December 2017