Chapter 2 Java in 30 minutes ½ hour
Teaching a computer language like a logical system is possible. Rationale Teaching a computer language like a logical system is possible. But not necessarily helpful. Everyone has studied a computer language so I can make some assumptions. Rapid introduction of the important syntax. (Feel free to interrupt with questions) Then I go over things in more detail, but I can refer to things only covered briefly and you will have least have seen them. Will assume you learn the syntax by practising. Course more about language idioms You understand what computer languages are about ½ hour
Primitives ½ hour
Variables ½ hour
Arithmetic ½ hour
Mathematical Expressions Provided by library functions Math. Maths Mathematical Expressions Provided by library functions Math. To look at the full documentation More about libraries later tutorials documentation ½ hour
Documentation ½ hour
Mathematical Expressions Provided by library functions Math. Maths Mathematical Expressions Provided by library functions Math. ½ hour
Choice ½ hour
Choices ½ hour
Again ½ hour
. and again ½ hour Iteration – doing something more than once For loops often step through arrays OR “for values in measurement” Deciding not to do it continue; skips the rest of the loop and goes to the next value Finishing early break; ends the loop double[] measurements; double sum = 0.0; double average; for (int pnt=0; pnt< measurements.length;pnt++){ sum += measurements[pnt]; } average = sum/(double)measurements.length; for (double values: measurements) { sum += measurements[pnt]; } Good idiom – clear what you are doing ½ hour
Class.. ½ hour
Saying Hi ½ hour
In a nutshell ½ hour
Alone ½ hour
Lets talk ½ hour
½ hour
The sins of the fathers .. ½ hour
….. Now for the details ………………….. ½ hour