PLC Book Gro
Summary of Book The book describes an enhanced version of RTI, RTI 2 who also includes Intervention with students and a more student centered and team approach. Three key points were: data to identify and monitor, utilizing resources and delivery of targeted instruction. Another key point was creating a school-wide RTI culture, where classrooms focus on differentiation prior to the RTI process
Example I Using Data with RTI Use of the data cycle to identify and monitor students “Data Analysis should always result in examination of instruction and the curriculum”
Example ii Utilizing Resources during RTI Utilizing Resources: 5 Necessary Intervention Strategies 1. Assessment and Instruction 2.Comprehensive approach to reading and writing 3. Applicable and engaging 4. Interventions should be useful and effective 5.Authentic Opportunities, children can demonstrate learning
Example iii Delivery of the Interventions “Fair means everyone gets what they need.” Tier 1 – Quality Core Programming (gradual release, teacher modeling, guided instruction, productive group work, independent learning) Tier 2 – Intensive intervention within core programming (supplemental instruction aligned with core instruction, increased intensity in terms of group size, time, assessments, and expertise, use of alternative times including before and after school, and lunchtime) Tier 3 – Intensive intervention (specialized supports, 1-to-1 instruction, augmented lesson frequency, targeted diagnostic assessments)
Reflection on the process The book validated our thinking on using RTI in the classroom Recognition of the breakdown of the tiers Specialists view from outside looking into the classroom Experience from all levels (elementary, middle and high school)
Implications for the district/student learning Needs to be a district-wide culture that includes families Needs to be a priority set forth by administration The teachers need to buy into the data culture that is used with RTI Students need to be educated in RTI and take responsibility for their own learning
Next Steps Improve processes for RTI and STAT Connect the processes between elementary, middle and high school Formulate collaborative teams that educate staff on use of RTI Link the instruction and interventions Increase data sharing between all teams including administration, grade-level, specials, counseling and contracted teams Keep teacher and family at the center of communication