Psychological Implications Presentation Title Presentation title (Date)
Lesson objectives Explain the psychological concerns that effect the woman during the different trimesters Identify the teaching skills and strategies that an instructor must develop to provide empathy, support and to build self-esteem of their participants
Activity Split into groups. List the key psychological concerns you believe will affect: 1st trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester Note down instructor strategies to help the client with these concerns 15 mins
Thoughts and feelings Different factors will affect the different ante natal stages - common concerns: Trimester 1 Over-reactive & prone to mood swings Fearful of losing baby Anxious about weight gain Self conscious Happy
Thoughts and feelings Trimester 2 Concerned over bodily changes Thinking about increased weight gain Lowered self-esteem Excited Spreading the news Positive
Thoughts and feelings Trimester 3 Concerned over ability to cope Anxious about delivery Excited to meet baby Inpatient for the birth
Instructor Skills & Strategies Appropriate clothing Be approachable, caring & listen Providing sufficient time before & after class to address concerns Keep knowledge up-to-date Know where to gain access to additional information & resources Know when a professional should be consulted Know the names & addresses of local professionals within this field
Ante natal Teaching Skills Specific & well explained programme Frequent postural cues/teaching points Early directional & movement cues Close observation skills Relevant method of monitoring intensity Check for client feedback Knowledge of alternatives & adaptations provided regularly Appropriate motivational techniques
Summary The pregnant woman will undergo a great variety of psychological changes throughout and after the pregnancy The instructors role is to show empathy, build a comfortable and social environment within sessions The instructor should be able to identify when additional, more specialist support my be required and to provide information on where help can be obtained Instructors must appreciate that their dress, body language, vocabulary and attitude can severely affect participants.