Are you aware of the latest rules and regulations regarding sustainable lab work? Crash-course for research group leaders on rules that apply for chemical handling In English! Speaker: PhD Ulrika Olsson, chemical safety coordinator at KI The 1h lunch seminar will cover: - Good to know before moving to the new lab buildings - Your obligations; laws about chemical handling - What documentation do you need? - What do you need to tell your students? - What are the tools that can help you with this? Time:12.00-13.00 November 7th Location: Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Solna Asia Europe America Africa November 7, 2017 To be sure to get a sandwich, please register, by sending a mail to with name and any allergies latest the 1st of November. Sandwiches will be served! Organized by The board of Research and the Environmental council, KI