Geographical Skills and Fieldwork Human Geography
Links with PSHE There are very strong links between Geography and PSHE running throughout the following slides.
Activity: Exploring the Locality Investigate the make-up of your local area through Google Maps or by walking around. Children make a map or a plan of their local area, including the names of shops or businesses. Take photos of the businesses for reference or use in your map making (seek permissions where necessary) Back at school, you could analyse the local environment. What are the connections with overseas? Is there a common area or country where many of the local businesses originate from? Does this reflect the ethnic groups within the school? /cont
Conduct a survey Make a tally chart of which countries the local businesses have connections with. Discuss and interpret this data. What is the impact of other countries on our local environment? How does it shape and influence our local area?
Interview Members of the Community Interview people in the community and owners of local businesses to find out more about their history and geography. Here are some possible questions: Where did you live before you came here? Did you speak another language? How long ago did you arrive? What did you bring with you? How did you travel to get here? What were the reasons for you coming here? Do you miss where you came form?
Interview Members of the Community Possible questions continued: Are you still in contact with family and friends in your old home? What is different about your home here? What are the differences and/or similarities between here and where you came from? What have been the challenges here? What have been your successes here? Why did you decide to set up a business in this area? What is different about your business here?