“Career transitions in difficult times” Nick Plummer 19th June 2009
Different levels – different approaches Senior Executive Mid Management Administration Blue Collar 2009 Directioneering
Stages of Career Transition Career Review & Planning Evaluation of Skills/Competencies Work Values Fit Work/Life Balance Career Plan Immediate and target roles Development Plan STAGE 1 Self Marketing Plan Corporate Role Resume(s) Referees Visible Market Hidden Market Interview Training STAGE 2 Own Employment Concept Statement Concept Testing Business Plan Marketing Plan Financials Key Advisers Start up Portfolio Portfolio Definition Execution of Marketing Plan Coaching Support Interview Preparation Research Networking Help STAGE 3 Landing the Job Job Evaluation Package Negotiation Start Up Assembly of Portfolio STAGE 4 9 – 9.05 Introduce myself Experience with AXA 4 years running the Redeployment / Redundancy program Presented change management workshops Worked on frontline leadership program Why me? I am not a professional sales trainer What have I been asked to cover? 2009 Directioneering 3
Critical Elements of Career Transition Career Evaluation and Planning Networking Training Research Consultants Network and Relationships 9 – 9.05 Introduce myself Experience with AXA 4 years running the Redeployment / Redundancy program Presented change management workshops Worked on frontline leadership program Why me? I am not a professional sales trainer What have I been asked to cover? 2009 Directioneering 4
Recent Developments in Career Transition Adult learning techniques Electronic networking Job search centres Top tier support Japanese approach 9 – 9.05 Introduce myself Experience with AXA 4 years running the Redeployment / Redundancy program Presented change management workshops Worked on frontline leadership program Why me? I am not a professional sales trainer What have I been asked to cover? 2009 Directioneering 5
Criteria for selection of a career transition firm Operates at the correct level Good career evaluation and planning methodology Understands networking and has a good research capability Experienced consultants and no separation between sales and delivery Market corrections 9 – 9.05 Introduce myself Experience with AXA 4 years running the Redeployment / Redundancy program Presented change management workshops Worked on frontline leadership program Why me? I am not a professional sales trainer What have I been asked to cover? 2009 Directioneering 6