Innovative development as a key direction for Russia’s social and economic strategy Marina Brilka, UN Commission for Social Development, 53 rd Session, New York, 2015
Innovations Innovations enable Russia to gain competitive advantage in a globalized world
Trends Funds from foreign sources Funds the business sector State funds Source: HSE, Science Indicators: 2014.
State and public institutions The Committee for Modernization and Technological Development The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation The Agency for Science and Innovation The Presidential Council for Science, Technology and Education
Research on modernization processes is done by Rosnano Rosatom The Russian Foundation for Basic Research The Russian Foundation for Humanities The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology The Russian Academy of Sciences
Five top priority areas of modernization Energy efficiency and resource saving Nuclear technologies Space technologies Medical technologies Strategic information technologies and software
Fundamental documents The strategy of the development of science and innovation in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015s 1 2 Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020 The strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 3 7
Federal target programs The Pure Water (for the period 2011 to 2017) The National Technological Base The Development of Russia’s Atomic Energy Complex up to the year 2015 Russia’s Federal Space Program for the years 2006-2015 The Electronic Russia The Global Navigation System (GLONASS) The Development of Infrastructure for Nano-industry in the Russian Federation The Education Development for 2011-2015
Innovative development strategy The increase in gross value added in innovative sectors the increase in the number of Russian universities among the top 200 world universities The increase in the share of Russia in world markets of high technology products and services the share of industrial enterprises 9
49 62 Trends United States South Korea Germany .... Russia 2013 ____________2014 The Global Innovation Index United States South Korea Germany .... Russia United States South Korea Germany .... Russia 2014 2015 Bloomberg’s Global Innovation Index
Issues Low demand for innovation on the part of the real sector of the Russian Federation Underdevelopment of infrastructure to support innovation Competition with foreign companies and research centers Administrative barriers associated with doing business in Russia Level of performance (quality) of the R&D 11
The next generation magnetic endoscopic capsule system Information Information Disposable magnetic capsule Magnetic unit PC and software for diagnostics Key feature of new endoscopic capsule – magnet inside. Electromagnetic installation controls capsule movement and orientation by altering magnetic field when doctors uses joystick. Special software allows to look at real time movement of capsule inside patient and recognize patterns. Exported abroad No anesthesia required Easy to use Small size (24 mm x 11 mm) easy and safe to swallow No side-effects 12
! Conclusions Supporting the development of human Taxation Supporting the development of human and social capital Regulation of labor markets and investments Research and development !
The potential of the Russian Federation Enhancing the role of business in development of the national innovation system The emergence of innovative component of public policy Saving a competitive advantage
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