Diana Aguiar Narqui Amaya The arch Diana Aguiar Narqui Amaya
Table of content -Introduction -Definition -Characteristics -Variation of forms -History -Conclusion -References
Introduction Since the beginning of history, man has been preoccupied with finding a place to go, where to live, this need led to the creation of certain "house" where men take refuge.
In his early works made were symmetrical.. Over time the man was changing the form of the work
With the invention of the arch 2 problems were solved.. Definition With the invention of the arch 2 problems were solved..
Characteristics Wedge shapes Elements of the arch
An arch cannot replace a lintel on two free-standing posts unless the posts are massive enough to buttress the thrust and to conduct it into the foundations
May be varied to meet specific problems The forms of arch May be varied to meet specific problems
Fall into three basic categories: Rounded arch Arcade
Parabolic arch
Pointed Arches Vaults
The arch has been found in many different cultures.. History The arch has been found in many different cultures.. Mesopotamia
Egyptians Romans
Etruscans Medieval times Porte Auguste
Modern arches Steel Concrete Laminated wood
References en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arch Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 1. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1974, pp. 1098 - 1099. Edited by Prof. Marianela Najul for second language teaching purposes. May, 2010. theriverlands.tripod.com/Writings/Arch/arch.html