ME 391 LAB#5 Construction of a Computer Data Acquisition System for Measuring Steady Thermocouple Signals Performed : 02/13/2004 Sinan Ozcan : I believe I performed 50% of this lab Soma : I believe I performed 50% of this lab
ABSTRACT In this lab a computer data acquisition system is used to measure the temperature of boiling water, ice/water mixture, and room water temperature. The Measured values were seem to be close to the values read from the thermometer and agreed with the saturated temperature from the measured barometric pressure (the text book value).
The forth order polynomial accurately follows the data. It follows the data better than the straight line.
Figure # 2:Front Panel of the Vi
Figure # 3:Block Diagram of Vi
The measured temperatures seem to be constant.
TABLE 1 Table 1 presents the mean and standard deviation of the computer-acquired temperatures for three different baths. The readings from mercury-in-glass and reference value (Text Book) are also included. The temperatures measured and Text Book values agree each other.