JCTVC-I0358: Truncated EG0 coding method Seung-Hwan Kim, Louis Kerofsky, Andrew Segall 1 1
EG0 in HM6.0 EG0 code is employed after Golomb-Rice (G-R) coding The longest (worst case) codeword length is “29 bins” Input symbol (Value) Prefix Suffix Total Length of code words Number Of code words Cumulative Number of code words 1 20 1, 2 21-1 ~ 22-2 x 3 21 22 -1 3 ~ 6 22-1 ~ 23-2 11 xx 5 22 23 -1 7 ~ 14 23-1 ~ 24-2 111 xxx 7 23 24 -1 15 ~ 30 24-1 ~ 25-2 1111 xxxx 9 24 25 -1 31 ~ 62 25-1 ~ 26-2 11111 xxxxx 25 26 -1 63 ~ 126 26-1 ~ 27-2 111111 xxxxxx 13 26 27 -1 127 ~ 254 27-1 ~ 28-2 1111111 xxxxxxx 15 27 28 -1 255 ~ 510 28-1 ~ 29-2 11111111 xxxxxxxx 17 28 29 -1 511 ~ 1022 29-1 ~ 210-2 111111111 xxxxxxxxx 19 29 210 -1 1023 ~ 2046 210-1 ~ 211-2 1111111111 xxxxxxxxxx 210 211 -1 2047 ~ 4095 211-1 ~ 211-2 11111111111 xxxxxxxxxxx 211 212 -1 4095 ~ 8191 212-1 ~ 213-2 111111111111 xxxxxxxxxxxx 212 213 -1 8191 ~ 16382 213-1 ~ 214-2 1111111111111 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 213 214 -1 16383 ~ 32766 214-1 ~ 215-2 11111111111111 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 214 215 -1 2 2
Proposed EG0 Invention Propose to truncate EG0 at a certain point and reduce the worst case code word length Truncate the EG0 code when input value is greater than 254 The longest (worst case) codeword length is “24 bins” which is shorter than the conventional case (29 bins) Input symbol (Value) Prefix Suffix Total Length of code words Number Of code words Cumulative Number of code words 1 20 1, 2 21-1 ~ 22-2 x 3 21 22 -1 3 ~ 6 22-1 ~ 23-2 11 xx 5 22 23 -1 7 ~ 14 23-1 ~ 24-2 111 xxx 7 23 24 -1 15 ~ 30 24-1 ~ 25-2 1111 xxxx 9 24 25 -1 31 ~ 62 25-1 ~ 26-2 11111 xxxxx 25 26 -1 63 ~ 126 26-1 ~ 27-2 111111 xxxxxx 13 26 27 -1 127 ~ 254 27-1 ~ 28-2 1111111 xxxxxxx 15 27 28 -1 255 ~ 33022 28-1 ~ 215+28-2 11111111 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 215 215 +28 -1
Implemented the proposed method into HM 6.0 Results Implemented the proposed method into HM 6.0 Test 1: common test condition (QP=22,27,32,37) Test 2: low QP test condition (QP=1,5,9,13) Main HE10 Y U V All Intra 0.0% RA LD Main HE10 Y U V All Intra 0.0% RA 0.1% LD 4
Reduce the size of worst case codeword from EG0 Conclusion Reduce the size of worst case codeword from EG0 29 bins 24 bins Coding performance No changes in common test condition and high bitrate coding (low QP) condition 5 5