Paul Drumm VC 14th September 2005 MICE Project Report Paul Drumm VC 14th September 2005
Target Beam Line Technical Scrutiny at the RAL CM Prototype test in beam in January Readiness review in November Benchmark pi-production vs beam loss Beam Line Optics new rates & beam sizes to be issued to PID group CM13 Solenoid by CM? Cryogenics – kick-off meeting imminent DAQ / H-S-Review
RF Technical Aim single test stand Availability issues with tubes Test components for two systems Availability issues with tubes ISIS 116 tubes are being ring-fenced for ISIS New 116 tubes available need to buy & fabricate glass in next two years expensive – tube made to order at market price 170 tubes Cern tube – low demand available for ~ next year no plan in place – depends on CERN’s attitude
FAC meeting 19th September Management FAC meeting 19th September AB & PD representing & reporting on MICE Membership: R Wade – Chair, PPARC UK LK Len - Office of High Energy Physics - Washington, DC Randy Ruchti - NSF/eXP Particle Physics, USA Franke Linde (?) - NIKHEF, Netherlands Kenzo Nakamura (x) - KEK-IPNS, Japan A Skrinsky (?) - BINP Plus two (admin) PPARC UK
Collaboration Meeting As of 9am 14th – 25 registered 11 UK XXXXXXXXXXX 9 USA XXXXXXXXX 2 JP XX 1 CH X 1 Italy X 1 Netherlands X Room availability: deadline noon GMT 19th September Thereafter at risk (& more work for debbie )