What is Concurrent Enrollment? It is a state-funded program to pay for high school kids to take college classes Students can attend any Community College or Tech School in Colorado Districts pay tuition ONLY if the student passes the course with a C or better.
Student Steps to enroll in Concurrent Enrollment Classes: Complete your ICAP Create your High School Plan on Naviance Complete the required “my ICAP” survey questions on Naviance Complete the COF (College Opportunity Fund) *Check this box when completing your college application
Fill out District CE Forms CE Agreement & Registration Form Use DOHS Course Recommendations Meet with Casey to figure this out CCD Class Search Link: https://erpdnssb.cccs.edu/PRODCCD/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched Include your chosen courses on CE Reg Form (IN PENCIL) Turn them in to Casey AFTER you have completed the registration process by May 19th and keep copies for yourself.
Complete the Online College Application Free application can be found online at your chosen college’s website Parent Info needed Once complete Call/email your college contact person to make a testing and Registration appointment Bring Your completed CE Agreement & Reg. Forms
Take CCPT/Accuplacer Test Do this After you meet with your college contact and complete your online college application. Study for this test using the study guides provided or by going to either of these links: CCD.EdReady.org https://www.ccd.edu/docs/community-college-placement-test-workbook It is recommended that you test on multiple days due to the length of each test. EXEMPTIONS to the test: If you are a senior who earned B’s in 11th grade English & Math AND have a 3.0 GPA ACT Scores of at least 18 English, 19 Math, & 17 Reading
Register for Classes ACC – March 30th (Please speak with me before contacting to ACC). RRCC – April 3rd CCD – April 10th FRCC – April 18th CCA – April 24th Fall Registration Ends May 19th After you get your CCPT results, meet again with your college contact to look at your course options and add courses to your CE Registration form. Start the orientation process
Return Completed Forms to Casey Make sure you include the course titles and codes of the actual courses you have registered for. Have your college contact sign the bottom of the registration form and keep copies for themselves. I will submit these to the district for approval and tuition payment.
Sample Email to College Contact Hello, my name is_____________. I am a (grade level) at Denver Online High School and I have applied to (Name of College) as a concurrent enrollment student. My S# is ____________. I recently spoke with my counselor about what classes I should take and we narrowed it down to (Recommended Courses). I would like to set up an appointment with you for the placement test and to register for these classes. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this email and I look forward to being a (Name of College) student.
CCD Cherry Creek Building Room 216
CSU Global New Opportunity Andrew Dixon Office Phone: 720-897-8368 Email: Andy.Dixon@CSUGlobal.edu Website: CSUGlobal.edu
ACC NEW PROCESS Starting next semester students will be able to self-register in ACC classes. This process applies ONLY if your students register for class(es) at an ACC campus or ACC/CCCONLINE online classes. Self-registration is about empowering students to become more active in the college enrollment process. It will allow your students to be involved in selecting their college classes, develop self-advocacy skills and feel more connected to the overall college experience. It will also eliminate the delay of having to wait to have an ACC staff member register or drop classes for your students. We understand that this is a major shift in the way registration was previously conducted at ACC. Therefore, we want to assure you that ACC is taking measures to make sure your students are prepared to self-register. We are requesting for you to provide us a list of your students that have been authorized to take classes at ACC, whether they are participating in the concurrent enrollment or taking classes and paying for them on their own, by May 1st. With the list, ACC will place a registration hold on the student until they have completed an orientation at ACC. The orientation is a vital component that will address the following: · Students’ rights and responsibilities · Student Resources · Selecting and registering for classes (including drop/withdraws) · Pre-requisite/test requirement for classes · Third-party billing (if applicable) · Getting involved as a student After completing the orientation, the student will be cleared to do self-registration. ACC values our relationship that we have established over the years and we look forward to a continued partnership that will benefit our students.
Emily Griffith Info Students must have applied, tested, completed the online orientation, and have an approved CE Agreement form prior to meeting with me to register for a program Front Range CC Info You must complete their electronic CE Registration form AND the DPS Paper form. Community College of Aurora Info You MUST attend an orientation session before you can register for classes. Link to dates: https://www.ccaurora.edu/getting-started/orientation/register-concurrent-enrollment-orientation
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