Equine Breeds
Pony Breeds Less than 14.2 hands Old living pony died in 2007 at the age of 56 Smallest pony in the world, Little Pumpkin, 14 inches tall and weighs only 20 pounds Thumbelina
American Shetland Used in showing, jumping, & harnessing Long legs, head, frame, ear, and tail
Asiatic Wild Horse Timid, aggressive, & powerful Only found in zoos and in the wild (off the coast of Maryland) “Asiatic Island” Sandy colored coat with a black stripe on back.
Australian Pony Mix of many breeds Short backs & canyons Intelligent, calm, friendly, & alert Grey and Brown
Shetland Pony Smallest breed in the world Used for meat Good jumper Strong as a Clydesdale
Light Horses At least 14.2 hands tall at the withers 900 - 1400 pounds Most common type of horse in the United States
Appaloosa Well known for speed Used by the Nez Perce Indians as war horses Originated from Spanish horses left behind by explorers
Paint Valued for their temperaments, versatility, & athletic ability Registry-Minimum amount of white over unpigmented skin APHA-2nd largest equine association
Arabian Originated from Bedouin desert Known for strength and stamina Small muzzle High tail setting Short back (one less vertebrae) Dished Face
Lipazzan Developed in Spain Born brown or black in color Changes to white or gray at about 6-10 years of age Famous as dressage performers
Morgan Developed in the United States America’s first breed of light horse Descended from one horse, Justin Morgan
Mustang Developed by Mother Nature in the Western United States Near extinction in 1970 Available through the Adopt-A-Horse program from the US Government
American Quarter Horse Developed in the United States as a race horse Named for their fast times in the 1/4 mile Known for speed, strength & intelligence Most popular horse breed in the world
Saddlebred Developed in the United States Ridden by many famous riders Paul Revere Daniel Boone Ulysses S. Grant Stonewall Jackson Robert E. Lee
Standardbred Fastest harness horse in the world Name comes from the fact that the horses must meet a “specific” standard. Bay, brown or black in color
Tennessee Walking Horse Originated in Tennessee Possess a unique running walk gait Very easy to ride Preferred horse of traveling preachers
Thoroughbred Designed to sustain speed over distances while carrying weight Average 16 hands in height Revolutionized the racing industry
Draft Horse Breeds
American Cream Draft Originated from the mare “Old Granny” in Iowa in 1911 Rich cream color with white mane & tail Pink skin Amber colored eyes Average 1600-1800 lbs.
Belgian Originated in Belgium American Belgian Association is headquartered in Wabash, IN
Clydesdale Developed in Scotland Commonly bay in color Known for four white socks with hairy fetlocks Made famous in US beer commercials
Friesian Native to the Netherlands Prior to WWI there were only 3 sires still alive Known for long tail & mane Very calm breed
Percheron Unclear origin The oldest equine breed Most popular draft breed in the early 1900s Percheron
Shire Developed in England Most common draft breed in England Once used to carry knights into battle Mostly black with white legs