NORTH SALINAS HIGH SCHOOL Student Bulletin August 29th 2017 ML CHAMPIONS Please display for 4th period class while bulletin is being read. Thank you.
STUDENT BULLETIN AVID Club is starting again- all students interested please come to our lunch meeting TODAY August 29th at 12:25 in Room 514. Advanced Sports Medicine lab class meeting at lunch TODAY in the MPR.
STUDENT BULLETIN Alaska travelers: Please meet in room 23 at lunch on Wednesday to elect officers for our club. Try to bring your lunch on Wednesday so we can start the meeting by 12:50pm.
STUDENT BULLETIN NEW CLUB!!! Are you interested in a career in Teaching? If so come to the first ever NSHS Teachers of Tomorrow club meeting. Our first meeting will be Thursday August 31st during lunch in the back of the Career Center. Come be apart of something GREAT!
STUDENT BULLETIN NEW CLUB!!! Interested in Fashion and the latest trends? Come join the NSHS Fashion Club. Our First meeting is TODAY August 29th during lunch in the back of the Career Center. All are welcome!!
STUDENT BULLETIN Follow all the exciting activities that happen at North High on Twitter @NSHSVikings55
ATHLETICS BULLETIN VOLLEYBALL continues at home tonight vs the Mustangs of King City with the JV at 5 pm and Varsity to follow! GIRLS' TENNIS starts up at Gonzales today! Have fun on the Spartans new courts!
ATHLETICS BULLETIN Attention all boys interested in trying out for basketball this season. There will be a short meeting in the main gym at 12:25 today. Please be on time.
Honor Yourself and Others VIKING CREED Never Give Up Stay Focused Honor Yourself and Others Stay Positive 1 minute Perales 9