Art 222 Digital Multimedia In-class Presentation Week 15A
:: today’s agenda This entire week is a work week. I want to continue with the 1-1 meetings and answer any and all technical questions in class. Please come to class this week ready to work. Quick Lesson: How to set your poster frame in Adobe Encore How to animate your buttons (video) in Adobe Encore Redo of Flash 8 Video Lesson If people would like for me to re-do the lesson from two weeks ago, on how to use the FLVPlayback component and FLVPlayback behaviors, I will do so.
:: homework The Illustrious Eight: The Fabulous Four: Everyone: Keep working on your final flash site. Come to class with questions for me - both technical and conceptual. The Fabulous Four: If you haven’t done so already, finish a simple working version of the final project. Everyone: Begin your DVD project by assembling, exporting, or converting your three class project video files into .avi format. Make sure that they are full resolution .avi files (720x480 or 640x480). Again, I recommend using Adobe Encore to create your custom menu.
:: final project due :: 04.24.06 due :: 04.24.06 due :: 05.03.06 The Illustrious Eight: Portfolio Flash Web Site Must have interactive video within it. The Fabulous Four: Art 222 flash portfolio flash page/mini-site. Must post all of your class assignments on it. Everyone: Custom designed interactive DVD, with Menu, containing all class assignments on it. You can use either Premiere Elements or Adobe Encore due :: 04.24.06 due :: 04.24.06 due :: 05.03.06
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