Religion & Planet Earth Revision Key Question. What have we learnt about religion and planet earth? Starter Task. Match the key word cards to their definitions and pictures. Lesson Outcomes. To have explained definitions of key words and given examples of them. To have completed questions using ‘quotes cards’. To have explained how modern living affects the planet.
Religion & Planet Earth Task 1. Note down each of the key words with their definitions. For each one explain an example. Task 2. Use the quote cards to answer the following questions; ‘God gave us the earth to use, not abuse’. What do you think? Explain your opinion. (3 marks) Explain the attitudes of religious believers to global warming. (4 marks) ‘Religious believers should do more to save the earth’. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. Show that you have thought about different opinions. Refer to religious teachings in your answer. (6 marks)
Religion & Planet Earth Task 2 (continued). Use the quote cards to answer the following questions; Explain two reasons why many religious believers are against deforestation. (4 marks) ‘Religious creation stories are no longer relevant today’. What do you think? Explain your opinion. (3 marks) Use the most appropriate teaching(s) in your answers.
Religion & Planet Earth Modern Living Examples This can lead to… This effect of this is… What we can do about it… Draw a similar diagram in your books. Explain, with examples how this cycle could work.
Religion & Planet Earth Review. ‘Religious believers have not done enough to protect the planet’. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. Reminders. Don’t forget DREARER. Make sure you include, two sides of the argument, reasons for your points, religious beliefs/teachings, explanations and examples. Marking. Swap with your neighbour and mark each others’ answers. In pencil add things that you think could improve the answer you are marking.
Religion & Planet Earth Revision Lesson 2 Key Question. What do we know about Creation Stories? Why are Creation Stories important? Lesson Outcomes. To have revisited the Christian Creation Stories. To have recognised the link between Creation Stories and Stewardship. To have identified ways in which people can look after the planet.
Religion & Planet Earth Starter Task. Look at the pictures below. Explain how each of these pictures might encourage believers to look after the planet.
Religion & Planet Earth Task 1. Give 3 examples of non-renewable energy sources. What are the main problems with these types of energy sources? Task 2. Give 3 examples of renewable energy sources. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of these energy sources? Task 3. Explain some of the problems of Nuclear Power. What are some of the advantages of Nuclear Power?
Religion & Planet Earth Task 4. Dominoes – on the card you will be given, write a question about religion and planet earth. Pass your card to your neighbour. On the card you have been given write an answer to the question. Pass the card on to the next person. Check the answer to the question on the card. Is then answer given correct? Write down the question with the correct answer in your book. Pass the card on and again write the question down with the correct answer. Continue to do this until you have at least 5 questions done.
Religion & Planet Earth - Revision Lesson 2 0 6 Explain why some religious believers support conservation. (3 marks) 0 7 Give two examples of how global warming is damaging the world. (2 marks) 0 8 ‘God created life on earth’. What do you think? Explain your opinion. (3 marks) 0 9 Explain religious attitudes to pollution. (4 marks) 1 0 ‘The world’s natural resources are for people to use as they wish’. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks)
Religion & Planet Earth Exam Question. 1 1 What is conservation? (1 mark) 1 2 Give two reasons why many religious believers are concerned about pollution. (2 marks) 1 3 ‘Religious believers should do more to fight prevent global warming.’ What do you think? Explain your opinion. (3 marks) 1 4 Explain the attitudes of religious believers to deforestation. Refer to religious teaching in your answer. (6 marks) 1 5 ‘Religious leaders should do more to save the earth.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks)