Welcome Junior Parents Welcome Junior Parents!! Junior Programs Counselor: Tomi Jo Leistner A-G Counselor: Kelly Powers H-N Counselor: Tomi Jo Leistner O-Z Counselor: Neil Hayden
Governor’s Scholars Program http://gsp.ky.gov GSP is a 5-week focused summer enrichment program housed on 3 different college campuses 2018 application available online starting the end of September Applications due to Mrs. Leistner beginning of December ACT/SAT/PSAT – scores from one of these is required or applicant will NOT be considered Sample applications are available online for reference when gathering materials- community service, leadership activities, honors, academic performance, etc. Highly competitive program- number of candidates submitted from each school dependent on number of students in junior class
Other Junior Enrichment Programs Governor’s School for the Arts- Apply online www.kentuckygsa.com Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs- Apply online www.gse@kstc.com Commonwealth Honors Academy- Apply online http://www.murraystate.edu/cha/
PSAT/NMSQT October 17th- Last day to sign up to test Sign up in guidance with $16 check payable to DCHS October 25th- Test Day! Why Test?? Juniors compete for scholarships from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation To receive feedback on your strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study. You can then focus your preparation on your weaker areas. To prepare for the SAT program tests and become familiar with the types of questions. To received information from colleges when you check “yes” to student search service
ACT Benchmarks/College and Career Ready ACT State Test (juniors only) at DCHS- March 20th ACT Benchmarks/College and Career Ready English- 18 Math- 19 Reading- 20
**Register at actstudent.org** Other ACT Dates Colleges look at ACT scores when considering acceptance and awarding scholarships!! October 28th- Register by September 22nd December 9th- Register by November 3rd February 10th – Register by January 12th April 14th – Register by March 9th June 9th- Register by May 4th July 14th- Register by June 15th **Register at actstudent.org**
mybigfuture.com kheaa.com College Exploration Students allowed 3 excused college visit days total, no more than 2 per semester Can only be during junior or senior year Prior permission from Mr. Blue is required along with a completed form from Ms. Judd Student is responsible for collecting classwork beforehand and completing on time Start by exploring on college search engines such as: mybigfuture.com kheaa.com Then look closer at official college websites & head for a tour Not sure??- Stop in at guidance to do an interest inventory or discuss different options!
Overwhelmed? New CCR Coach- Trey Pippin can help!! Located in the room across from guidance trey.pippin@daviess.kyschools.us October 28th- College and Career Expo @ Convention Center 12-4:00 February 28th- Owensboro Regional Junior College Fair @ DCHS
Thanks for coming & let’s make it a GREAT year!! Thank you!! Thanks for coming & let’s make it a GREAT year!! tomijo.leistner@daviess.kyschools.us