Kerry Agustsson Finnmark River Basin District Authority


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Presentation transcript:

Public Hearing feedback for the essential issues documents for Finnmark and Nordland (Norway) Kerry Agustsson Finnmark River Basin District Authority Finnmark County Authority

Essential Issues Hearing period of 6 months: 01.07.2012 – 31.12.2012 Finnmark: 27 Individual feedback comments Nordland: 33 Individual feedback comments From: National sectorial authorities Local authorities Interest organizations and groups Comments resulted in editing of essential issues document – approved by Water District Board Edited version will be translated to Finnish (Finnmark) Edited version may also be approved politically by Finnmark and Nordland County Authority Water District Board consists of natiotional secotorial authorities, and some municipality representatives (political rather than administrative), as well as two Consulting organs representing all the municipalities in Finnmark (east and west) County Authority is a political organisation, approval here sends an important signal to the municipalties.

Feedback topics Many comments on feedback were general and directed at all River Basin District Authorities, and consisted of comments regarding organization, financial resources, essential issues relating to industry and trade, and the processes involved in identifying essential issues Many comments also concerned the lack of knowledge and documentation that characterizes the process in Norway at the moment Red king crab (Finnmark) Salmon lice and effect of escaped farmed fish on genetical stock of wild salmon There is a lot to be improved in the next planning period Lots og data lacking, we have to do with what we have. In Finnmark this concerns mainly these two examples, which result in disagreement between sectoral authorities

Mining industry Critics question how issues of food safety are considered in mining industry with marine disposal sites Water quality should receive higher priority in the mining industry Studies of former mines is requested in order to establish pollution levels already present in the areas Regional water management must protect resources from chemical pollution Concerns over effect from (toxic) waste from mining will effect fjord environments, food safety issues, and spawning areas. These are areas often handled by national environmental authorities and are thus difficult to resolve at the local/regional level

Nutrients and harmful substances Long-distanced pollution from mercury is worrying, and there is a lack of research in this area. This is also true for other heavy metals from industrial activity in Russia. Studies reveal that pollution of sediments, above all in harbours, is an essential issue. Discharge from municipal waste sites should be focused on; there is a lack of data for this issue Clean-up of harbours needs to be a priority. Ban on ballast water discharge and stricter control of petroleum transport is desired Both national and local issues. Again, lack of data means monitoring is necessary, municipal waste and sewage is a big challenge in Finnmark which needs to be addressed soon. Water management gives an extra push for municipalities to address this issue, but it will require lots of time, money, knowledge. This are big challenges for the municipalities in Finnmark, so it remains to see what can be done.

Fisheries and aquaculture Cooperation with Russia is seen as important for development of aquaculture/fish farms (Finnmark) Overfishing is an issue in certain rivers There is a need for more documentation and research regarding salmon lice, especially in regards to where monitoring efforts should be concentrated. Effects of escaped farmed fish should be recognised and taken more seriously Emissions from chemotherapeutics is mentioned as a suggestion for inclusion in the basis for risk assessment Cooperation with Russia has not yet been initiated, this is a challenge although Finnmark does have contact in this area of industry and trade

Alien/Invasive species There is an increased presence of pink salmon in several rivers in Finnmark. The long-term effects of this and the possibility that the species is responsible for spreading diseases are unknown. Concerns regarding preventive measures against Gyrodactylus salaris. Some spesies that are invasive in Norway are not classified as invasive spesies in Sweden (like Phoxinus phoxinus, ørekyt/elsrista) Invasive marine species are probably more wide-spread than we presume. Meeting on Gyro will be arranged 29. april between Food Security and Animal Welfare authority, County Governor, and several interest organisation/fishing interets to assess what measures need to be improved and initiated. Will exchange minutes from meeting with ELY-keskus

Participation and cooperation To enhance efficiency in retrieving data, systemising information, and organising local participation, there should be an economical and administrative system in place from the start of the process There are substantial financial challenges in organising water management. Local participation possibilities must be made clearer Information must be disseminated and written in a clear language for laymen. Must coordinate comments with Finnish authorities, as well as coordinate common measures under the PoM.

Other issues Closer priority of the essential issues Lack of data on groundwater is apparent and must be addressed. List of areas of improvement from the EU must be taken into account Most water bodies at risk of not achieving good status due to hydropower are suggested candidates for Heavily Modified Water Bodies, and have separate status goals. One comment requested national mapping of energy needs and geographical survey of where hydropower is most efficient. Hydropower must be seen in relation with water basin management. One major reoccurring issue is financial support of local activities (program of measures and monitoring) – how to maintain knowledge and resources in river basin districts Last point: The goal is for the municipalities to take over this work, and fineally for it to be completely integrated in the daily municipal planning. However, this requires a certain level of funding locally and many municipalities, especially small ones in the districts have financial challenges. There is also the uncertainty of level of funding at the national level.

Summary Most essential issues identified in the document have been confirmed by feedback Some new challenges and areas of focus appear, due to new input and new data Important to coordinate essential issues with bordering countries to ensure cooperation, especially for the Programme of Measures Strong public interest in water management Challenges: Ensure participation and local knowledge, and increase municipal involvement

Thank you!