Chapter 5 Polynomials
Sect. 6.1 Using the Rules of Exponents
Examples of Using Rules of Exponents cont
Sect. 6.2 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
Examples of Polynomials d.) Is a pollynomial. The degree is 5, which is the degree of the term also.
Evaluate Polynomials Ex. 2
Add Polynomials in One Variable Ex. 3 Ex. 4
Subtract Polynomials in One Variable Ex. 5
Subtracting Horizontally and Vertically Ex. 6
Add and Subtract Polynomials in More than One Variable Ex. 7
Define and Evaluate a Polynomial Function Ex. 8
Sect. 6.3 Multiplication of Polynomials
Multiply Two Polynomials Ex. 1
Multiply Two Polynomials Vertically Ex. 3
Multiply Two Binomials Using FOIL Ex. 4 Use FOIL to multiply (y + 4)(y + 7)
Multiply Two Binomials Using FOIL cont. Ex. 5 Multiply (3a - 2b)(a + b)
Find the Product of More than Two Polynomials Ex. 6
Find the Product of Binomials of the Form (a + b)(a - b) Ex. 7
Square a Binomial
Example of Squaring a Binomial
Find Higher Powers of a Binomial Ex. 9
Sect. 6.4 Division of Polynomials Ex. 1
Divide Polynomial by Monomial continued
Divide Polynomial by Monomial continued Ex. 2
Divide a Polynomial by a Polynomial 4593/8 = 574 1/8
Divide a Polynomial by a Polynomial cont. So
Divide a Polynomial by a Polynomial cont This is a division problem with a remainder.
Divide a Polynomial by a Polynomial cont
Divide Polynomials with Missing Terms Ex. 6
Divide a Polynomial by a Polynomial Using Synthetic Division Ex. 7
Divide a Polynomial by a Polynomial Using Synthetic Division cont.