Setting up BI Infrastructure "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943 "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977
Setting up BI Infrastructure Paresh Motiwala 781 254 4096 @pareshmotiwala www.linkedincom/in/pareshmotiwala Other Topics: Network or Perish SQL Best Practices From DBA to PM in 60 mins Copy Data Management SSRS SSIS Why are DBAs afraid of tools? Digital Forensics Database Forensics Discrimination Time Management TempDB BigData 101
Setting up BI Infrastructure
Setting up BI Infrastructure BI Curious Bi-Curious
Setting up BI Infrastructure Sources Reporting ETL SSAS Infrastructure Copy Data Management
BI Infrastructure- Source Sources OLTP RDBMS Data Warehouse Third Party Big Data Reassess
BI Infrastructure – Source- OLTP Vendor Cost Scalable Fault tolerant Redundancy Ease of use
BI Infrastructure – Source-Data Warehouse Single version of truth On demand data Clean Trusted App Neutral Single point of access
BI Infrastructure – Source-Copy Data Definition Time Saving Secure Saving Space N/W Bandwidth Reassess
BI Infrastructure – Sources
BI Infrastructure – Sources
BI Infrastructure – Reporting 1 Vendor Cost Scalable Fault Tolerant Ease of use Portable skills
BI Infrastructure – Reporting 2 OLTP MDM/MDS Reporting server Data Warehouse Delivery Formats Dupe SSAS SharePoint Reporting server replica Data Lake BigData
BI Infrastructure – ETL 1 Source Target Tools Fault Tolerant Cost Ease of use
BI Infrastructure – ETL 2 OLTP SSMS BIDS/SSDT Export/Import Excel Access SSIS or SQL Server Tools Data Warehouse Dupe SSIS or SQL Server Data Lake BigData
BI Infrastructure - SSAS OLTP SSRS SSAS Server Data Warehouse SSRS SSAS Server
BI Infrastructure - Dashboards * * Ajax Data Delivery and Authentication Data Warehouse Data Marts Handshake Technology Web Browser Web Authoring Tools “A dashboard is a visual display of most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives, consolidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance.” Stephen Few President- Perceptual Edge Full Rendered Webpage
BI Infrastructure – At a glance MDM
BI Infrastructure – Redundancy Define Needs Hardware Software Location Technology Reassess
BI Infrastructure – Setting it up Garner Exec buy-in Define Measures LOFT Foundation Agile/Tools Constant Innovation Reassess
BI Infrastructure – Users Inform Involve Collaborate Train Equip Reassess
BI Infrastructure – Team Business Applications Database Project Mgt Senior Management Reassess
BI Infrastructure – Security Inform Involve Secure Train Audit Reassess
BI Infrastructure – Measuring Success
BI Infrastructure - Conclusion RDBMS Reporting ETL *nets Collaborative Redundancy Users Security BI—Team Copy Data Solve Problems first
BI Infrastructure – Bibliography Howsen, C. (n.d.). Successful Business Intelligence, Unlock the Value of BI & Big Data. Kolb, J. (n.d.). Business intelligence in plain language: A practical guide to data mining and business analytics. Sharda, R., & Delen, D. (n.d.). Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective. White Paper- Technovision 2014 , Digital Transformation by Capgemini Microsoft’s explanation of Hadoop BI news from Microsoft
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