Cambridge Resources
English Program & Cambridge The English Program has been accredited as Cambridge International School on September 6th, 2016. Since then Cambridge Curriculum has been adopted alongside Thai Ministry of Education Curriculum in these three subjects from Prathom 1 to Matthayom 3 English Science Mathematics English Program & Cambridge I am here to brief the new as well as old teachers who belong to the EP program about the resources and references for teaching Cambridge related subjects. Let me walk you through the available resources for Cambridge curriculum. Mainly for a teacher or curriculum developer, Cambridge offers a very user friendly website which has teacher support materials such as past papers and online training programs. The website consists of 2 sub divisions for Primary and Secondary teachers separately. Please follow the links associated with your level of teaching and subjects. In order for a new teacher to access the information of the aforementioned websites the teacher needs login credentials. The login credentials can be obtained by contacting the teacher support coordinator that is myself and I am planning to create accounts for the new teachers so please feel free to contact me in case if you need to access the web resources. I will make this presentation available on the LINE group for EP teachers so that you can click on the links to access the relevant information. Apart from the Cambridge website we have a dedicated server which belong to the school with some of the important information stored inside. For example we currently got download worksheets which teachers can utilize as well as past papers for some subjcts.
Teaching Materials & Resources Cambridge website Primary website: Secondary website: New teachers please request user credentials for the EP server by dropping an email to: Teaching Materials & Resources
Teaching Materials & Resources EP-Cloud A server which hosts downloadable resources. Worksheets Past papers Link: New teachers please request user credentials for the EP server by dropping an email to: Teaching Materials & Resources
Free Online Training Courses The courses are free of charge to all registered schools, a certificate is awarded upon completion of the study materials. Primary: Secondary: The courses guides teachers through the materials provided and helps you to become familiar with the Cambridge website. Self-managed online training courses for teachers new to teaching the programme. Free Online Training Courses
For any queries or suggestions related to Cambridge program please feel free to contact teacher support coordinators. Mr. Chin: Mr. Phiphat: Contact details