Welcome to Willow
Learning Without Limits Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset.
Routines Shoes- Willow Class is a no-shoe zone! Children will take their shoes off in the morning Collection sign up sign- The sign will be located in ‘OLA’ on the access door to the classroom. Please use the ‘OLA’ gate. Reading Books – We are going to encourage children to change their books independently when they come into school in the morning. They may only change their book if an adult has heard them read it at home. Please tick off each book at the front of the reading record when completed and comment/sign. We will also check their book bags at least once a week to check books are being changed. Please do not rush through the levels – it’s not a competition! Homework – In on a Tuesday, home on a Thursday Cups- children have named cups for water in class P.E. – Tuesday & Wednesday Welly boots (to be kept in OLA)
Homework Homework books- We will provide each child with a homework book. It would be lovely if the children could decorate the cover- please keep the name readable though! We are only able to provide 1 homework book for Year 2. Reading – Top priority. At least 4 times a week. Focus on comprehension and understanding the text. Please refer to the ‘Reading with your child’ booklet. The children will also have a reading journal with various activities to complete every other week (alternating with maths). Spelling – Weekly. Focus spelling pattern based on learning in class. Weekly test will be based on a rule, not a list of words. The lists for the term will be given in homework books at the beginning of each term. (Handed in on a Tuesday. Sent back home on a Thursday.) The children will be tested according to the RULE the following week. Handwriting- please encourage joined handwriting at home! Please see handwriting example sheet. Maths – Alternate weeks. Sheet tucked in homework books, please stick in at home. Marvellous Maths targets will be stuck in homework books. We will test your child once a term, but please let us know if you feel your child is ready to be checked sooner. (Handed in on a Tuesday. Sent back home on a Thursday.) Show and Tell – Once a term with a topic focus.
End of Key Stage 1 Assessments Carried out in May. There will be 2 reading comprehension papers and 2 maths papers. The scores from these will inform teacher assessment. Writing will be based solely on teacher assessment. There will be a meeting later in the year to give you more information.
Communication If you have a concern, please speak to us straight away. We much prefer face-to-face conversations as e-mails can sometimes be misinterpreted out of context. If you do need to email us to arrange an appointment, for ‘admin’ or to email Show and Tell resources, the address is: classwillow@flaxbourton.n-somerset.sch.uk Either speak to us at the end of the day, or book a time to see us.
Parent Helpers We are always grateful for parent helpers in Willow Class. Please speak to either Mrs Northam or Mrs Shapcott if you can offer your time!