Forgetting God Genesis 36 Generations of Esau Esau and Edom 1
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Generations of Esau A Double “Account” “This is the account (the generations) of” Only time used twice of same person Genesis 36:1 is of Esau’s wives in Canaan. Differences in the names of the wives in Genesis 26:34; 28:9; and 36:2-3 is cultural. Genesis 36:9 is of Esau’s offspring in Edom. 2
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Generations of Esau Differences between Esau and Jacob Esau is producing generations of chieftains and kings while establishing Edom as a kingdom to be reckoned with, especially in commerce and political power. Jacob finds himself as a servant. He then builds some wealth through hard work while fathering 12 sons. 3
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Generations of Esau Godless Esau Physically, Esau and his offspring are on the rise, but spiritually, they are in decline. Esau despised his birthright – which basically says he was not interested in spiritual things – Hebrews 12:16-17. 4
Hebrews 12:16-17 (NASB) 16 that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. 17 For you know that even afterwards, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought for it with tears.
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Generations of Esau Godless Esau Physically, Esau and his offspring are on the rise, but spiritually, they are in decline. Esau despised his birthright – which basically says he was not interested in spiritual things – Hebrews 12:16-17. Esau then indulges in his sensual nature. Esau, being godless himself, failed to pass spiritual things on to his family. 4
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Generations of Esau How do I apply this passage? It is dangerous to judge the state of one’s soul on outward appearance. Life is not static! We are either moving forward or backward. Common grace is a reason for God’s greater judgment if we fail to repent of sin and live by faith in God’s Messiah. We do not need to help God out by arranging our own lives; He will do that for us! 5
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Esau and Edom History of Edom Edom is emphasized here. Why? Importance of Edom is twofold. Situated along one of the most important trade routes Natural strength and security against its enemies Edom comes up in the account of the exodus – Numbers 20:14-21. David conquers the Edomites in a great battle found in 2 Samuel 8:13-14. 6
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Forgetting God Genesis 36 Esau and Edom The sins of Edom Obadiah tells us what happens to Edom and about their sins. Their sin of pride led to boasting before God. Their sin of unbrotherliness practiced against Israel led to their demise. 15
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Esau and Edom Growth of sin It started with friction between Jacob and Esau. It continued in the time of the exodus – Numbers 20:14-21. We are told of its culmination in Obadiah. 16
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Esau and Edom A downward spiral Standing aloof when a brother stumbles – Obadiah 11 Looking down on your brother in the day of his misfortune – Obadiah 12-13 Rejoicing over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction – Obadiah 12 Boasting in the day of their trouble – Obadiah 12 17
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Esau and Edom Attitudes that lead to actions The Edomites marched through the gates of my people in the day of their disaster – Obadiah 13. The Edomites seized their wealth – Obadiah 13. The Edomites waited at the crossroads to cut down their fugitives and hand over their survivors in the day of their trouble – Obadiah 14. 18
Forgetting God Genesis 36 Application What is your life’s motto? What does it profit me? or What can I do that will be the greatest benefit to my brethren? 19