Welcome to Damascus High School’s Meet the Coaches Night Joe Doody-Athletic Director 240-207-2388 Joseph_J_Doody@mcpsmd.org Please visit our school’s website: www.damascushs.org Click on the Tab at the top entitled “Athletics”. Twitter - @DHS_Hornets
Athletic Booster Club Link on the Athletic Page of the DHS Website. www.damascushs.org Without this support Athletics would not function. The Boosters Club sponsored fundraisers supply approximately 50% of our financial needs. Please consider Joining the Boosters Club and get involved. $25 Per Family
Schedules Countysportszone.com School Sport
Academic Eligibility Academic eligibility a. Fall Season = in coming 9th graders automatically eligible. b. Winter Season = 2.0 GPA and not more than 1 E for the first quarter. c. Spring Season = 2.0 GPA and not more than 1 E for the second quarter. d. 4th quarter marking period will determine eligibility for the following Fall Season. e. You must maintain a 2.0 and not more than 1 E during the season as well. e. You can monitor grades from Pinnacle on your child’s Edline account.
Attendance Policy “Participation in any athletic event or practice requires athletes to attend all of their scheduled classes on the day of the event or practice” If a student is going to miss school for a pre-arranged appointment, please contact me to get prior approval
Online Registration 1. Open an Internet browser. (Chrome is recommended.) 2. Go to the myMCPS Parent and Student Portal by entering the following in the address bar: https://portal.mcpsmd.org. 3. Enter your username and password and click the Sign In button. 4. With the appropriate student record open, on the left navigation menu, select the athletic registration link
Physical Form Parent Permission/ Residency/Student Agreement form Forms Needed for Participation in Athletics Physical Form Parent Permission/ Residency/Student Agreement form Medical Card Baseline Concussion Test w/Consent Form Parent/Student Acknowledgement Statement (Concussion Awareness/Sudden Cardiac Arrest)
Admission Prices $5 for Adults $3 for Students $1 for Child (K thru 8th) Season Pass $40 for Adults $24 for Students
Spectator Expectations POSITIVE
Athletic/Team Concerns 1st – Player talk to Coach 2nd – Player/Parent meet and talk to Coach 3rd – Player/Parent and Coach meet with Athletic Director 4th – Player/Parent, Coach, and Athletic Director meet with Principal
Health and Safety Parents and students are required to review health and safety information provided on the MCPS athletics website. Montgomeryschoolmd.org/departments/ athletics
Team Meetings Team rules Expectations Practice schedule Game schedule Sportsmanship Transportation
Girls Basketball- room 118 Wrestling- room 119 Room Assignments: If the coach is not available in the room, then feel free to email the coach. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Doody – Joseph_J_Doody@mcpsmd.org Indoor Track- room 120 Boys Basketball - room 121 Swimming- Auditorium Girls Basketball- room 118 Wrestling- room 119