Test 2; Phonation study guide Know about VF innervation---vagus and its branches--effects of various lesions, paralysis types from pictures/diagrams. Be prepared to label or match pictures of the Vagus and its branches, pictures of lesion effects, etc. Know the structure (layers) of vocal folds Expect to see diagrams that you will have to label structures/muscles. Horizontal plane, superior view Frontal view Sagittal plane Know phase differences during VF opening and closing (horizontal and vertical) Know the structures of the larynx Cartilages and landmarks Membranes Areas involved with dysphagia Know what happens when we increase, decrease pitch and get louder, and associations among frequency (pitch), tension, and VF mass. Know actions of the 5 intrinsic laryngeal muscles Be able to match laryngeal muscles with their actions. Expect to see one or more questions taken from bonus point offerings. Know about myoelastic aerodynamic theory of phonation
Test design Multiple choice. BRING SCANTRON Short answer Fill-in-the-blank Labeling pictures Matching