Home of the Bulldogs
Future Acts Announcements Meeting in C-6 on Tuesday, 10/24 – Trunk or Treat Permission Slips are due at the meeting
Girls and Boys Basketball Meeting Wednesday, October 25 if you are interested in playing but cannot attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Bramante
Smencils on Sale in Lunch Every Friday!!!
Bulldogs After School Upload pictures of your after school activities such as dance, cheer, karate, football, soccer… for a special feature in our yearbook!!! Upload using Replayit.com or the Replay it App!!
Talent Show Auditions – December 4, 5 &7
Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!! Kevin Bradley Sydney Brown Nina Cardamone Michael Dostillio Aidan Kenderdine Nicolas Lunt Jose Rivera Nicolena Kathryn Sabella Darius Santos Scheer Edward Tobler Casey Torbik Giana Torrie Faith Wahl Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!!
Grab and Go Breakfast is Now Available!!! Grab a breakfast and head to homeroom – available to everyone $2.25
Lowest Price of the Year Until 10/27 www.Jostens.com
8th Grade Prep Club Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in C-22
Anime Club –11/8 Anime Club will meet with Mrs. Conaway in C16 on Wednesday
Drama Club Announcements Rehearsal Schedule is available on the bulletin board outside B-8
Computer Club Announcements Tuesday, 10/24 is for grades 6 and 7 only in C-13
6th Grade Homework/ Prep Club with Mrs. Finn Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in C-6
Digits Math Academy Monday – A11, Tuesday – C18, Wednesday – A3and Thursday – C32
Student Council Announcements Meeting on Wednesday 10/25
Adventure Club – Mondays in C32
Picture Make-Ups – October 31
Chemistry Club – 10/24 in C-17
Township Tuesday – November 7
Early Dismissal October 26th
Harvest Dance October 27 Tickets $5 – on Sale Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Stay Connected! Bunkerhillmiddle LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! @OfficialBHMS FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! Bunkerhillmiddle LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! @OfficialBHMS FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @Official_BHMS
8th Grade T-Shirt Design Contest Calling all 8th grade artists- It's time to show off your skills and your Bulldog pride with the 8th grade class t-shirt design contest! The winning design will be on our class t-shirts at the end of the year. All designs must be submitted to Mrs. Zeoli or Mrs. Reilly by November 3rd. We can't wait to see all your creative ideas! We're running the contest from 10/16 - 11/3 so if you could do the announcement for the Monday and Tuesday and then maybe a couple days each of the next two weeks that'd be AWESOME! Or whatever you think would work best, we just want to get lots of applicants.