Some Common Terms The Internet is a network of computers spanning the globe. It is also called the World Wide Web. World Wide Web It is a collection of information or collection websites. An Internet Browser is a software program that enables you to view Web pages on your computer. Browsers connect computers to the Internet, and allow people to “surf the Web.” Internet Explorer is one of the browsers most commonly used. There are other browsers available as well, including Netscape.
A site or area on the World Wide Web that is accessed by its own Internet address is called a Web site. Webpage – It is an electronic document which contains information. A Web Page is like a page in a book. Websites often have several pages that you can access by clicking on links. A Web site can be a collection of related Web pages. Website – It is a collection of related Webpages.
Layout of a Web Page Homepage – It is starting point or doorway to the website. It is also known as the index page.
Internet Terminology (Cont) Hypertext – It refers to the text that connects other documents. Internet Service Provider (ISP) - It provides access to the internet to user. Web Server – It is a computer that services the requests from the clients i.e. web browser e-mail It is used to send electronic message to anyone.
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, used by the WWW. Protocol used to transfer information over the Internet. Download - It is the process of receiving data from a remote computer to the local computer. Upload – It is process of sending data from local computer to remote computer. ISP – internet service provider it is an organization which provides services to access internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL) –It is the unique Address of the Webpage, which is used to identifies its location on the internet.