Irvine Royal Academy Course Choices for S2 pupils 2012 Mr Hotchkiss Depute Headteacher A University of Glasgow partner school
Course Choices for S2 pupils 2012 Curriculum for Excellence Broad General Education S1 to S3 levels 3 and 4 Personalisation and choice
Mandatory subjects English – 4 periods Mathematics – 4 periods Modern Language - 3 periods
Choices Five other subjects each with 3 periods Curriculum areas Sciences Social Studies Technologies Health and Wellbeing/Expressive Arts One from each and one other from any
Sciences Biology Chemistry Physics
Social Studies Geography History Modern Studies Religious Education
Technologies Administration Business Management Computing Design and Manufacture Graphic Communication
Health and Wellbeing/ Expressive Arts Art and Design Hospitality Music Physical Education
Choices form Sciences Social Studies Technologies HWB/ Arts Biology Geography Admin Art and Design Chemistry History Business Management Hospitality Physics Modern Studies Computing Music RE Design and Manufacture PE Graph Comm
Choices form - example Sciences Social Studies Technologies HWB/ Arts Biology Geography Admin Art and Design Chemistry History Business Management Hospitality Physics Modern Studies Computing Music RE Design and Manufacture PE Graph Comm
Core subjects PE – 2 periods RE – 1 period PSE – 1 period Mentoring – 1 period
Curriculum Enhancement A chance to try one or two year courses Wide variety Non-traditional Mixture of Interest, Vocational and Subject Some will lead to National 4 and 5 SQA qualifications Examples: Drama, Duke of Edinburgh, Leadership, Philosophy, Sociology
S4 and beyond English and Mathematics Four other subjects from the six in S3 National 4 and National 5 qualifications Curriculum Enhancement continues (Second year of two year courses or new one year course) Core PE, RE, PSE and mentoring
Timeline Information Evening – 2nd February Reports issued – 9th February Parents’ evening – 20th February Course choice booklet and forms issued – 24th February Last day for return of form to Guidance – 16th March