Case Project I Lecture 12 Course Name: High Level Programming Language Year : 2010 Case Project I Lecture 12
Learning Outcomes At the end of this lecture, students are capable of: Creating an application, simple but yet fun in putting theory into practice.
Outline Materi Project Criteria (this slide will be brought up in Lecture 8 – after mid – to become aware of this project) Some suggestion for projects
Project Criteria the ability to write a quality, full-fledged C++ program from scratch. The project is doable within a week work – within 10 to 15 hours of work Use important features of c++, especially classes and functions. Regulation: Cheating will have no tolerances, no mark will be given. Mark: This project takes 35% from total final mark, therefore 65% goes to your final exam. Bina Nusantara University
Some suggestion for projects TicTacToe (3x3 game) Card games (Blackjack, anything else you can think of) Reversi (also known as Othello) Gomoku (basically a larger version of tic-tac-toe) Connect Four Maxit (very simple — two players just move around a grid from space to space, alternating turns, and each space has a number which gets added to your score; Google it if you're curious) Bina Nusantara University
Topic For Next Week Case Project Presentation Assignment: Prepare a power point presentation for your project in a duration of 10 minutes!