Difference Between Mixtures and Compounds Types of Mixtures
Classifying Chemical Substances Pure Substances Mixtures
Difference Between Mixtures and Compounds which box contains a mixture? Box B. It has more than one type of substance.
Difference Between Mixtures and Compounds LET’S MAKE SOME MIXTURES!
Difference Between Mixtures and Compounds Imagine you are playing a game of Tic-Tac-Toe… This is like a HETEROGENEOUS mixture. The particles are not distributed evenly (e.g. some particles settle at the bottom), and you are able to see the individual particles with your eyes. This is like a HOMOGENEOUS mixture. All the particles are distributed uniformly, and you are not able to see the individual particles with your eyes.
Difference Between Mixtures and Compounds Now, decide if each of the mixtures you’ve made is homogeneous Or heterogeneous