Interim Policy for Promotion to Senior Technical Officer Process Map Intention to apply for promotion is discussed with HOS Candidate and Head of School identify areas for development and put a development plan in place 1: Pre Application YES No Candidate applies for promotion via the Infohub Online Promotions System and forwards to Head of School for review Head of School reviews Candidate’s application and provides commentary and names of potential External Assessors and forwards to College Principal for review 2: Application Process College Principal reviews the Candidate’s application, Head of School commentary and list of External Assessors and provides further commentary and additional External Assessors (if applicable) and returns to Candidate College Principal returns application for promotion to Candidate who may respond to the Head of School and College Principal commentaries and then submits the application for promotion Candidate submits application to HR via Infohub system
3: Assessment Process 4: Post Assessment If a prima facie case is not established the Candidate and Head of School identify areas for development and put a development plan in place The FPC reviews applications for promotion at a monthly meeting and establishes if a prima facie case for promotion exists and approves External Assessors If a prima facie case is established the application for promotion will be forwarded to the approved External Assessors for review 3: Assessment Process The Faculty Promotions Committee reviews applications for promotion and External Assessor reports at a subsequent monthly meeting and a recommendation is made The Faculty Promotions Committee agrees feedback on the application for promotion at the meeting following the recommendation The application, recommendation and feedback is forwarded to the President If a Candidate is not promoted the Candidate and Head of School identify areas for development and put a development plan in place The President approves the recommendations of the FPC 4: Post Assessment Candidates will be sent a formal letter confirming promotion