Entertainment TV as Mass Communication
The 10 Most Popular TV Programs 2012-13 1974-75 NCIS Sunday Night Football The Big Bang Theory NICS: Los Angeles Person of Interest American Idol (Wednesday) Dancing with the Stars (Monday) American Idol (Thursday) The Voice (Monday) Dancing with the Stars (Tuesday) All in the Family Sanford & Son Chico and the Man The Jeffersons M*A*S*H* Rhoda Good Times The Waltons Maude Hawaii-Five-O
Commercial Versus Cable TV Commercial TV Networks Cable TV Networks
Similarities Government regulated, not government owned Supported overwhelming by advertising
Differences Commercial Cable
Advertising Mass media deliver audiences to advertisers Ad rates determined by two things:
Ratings & Shares Ratings = Number of TV homes watching Number of homes with TV sets Shares = Number of TV homes watching Number of homes with TV sets turned on at that time
Specific Audience Demographics Coveted demographic: 18-49 years old Average cost of 30-sec advertisement during primetime: Average for shows that hit specific demo:
Advertising Rates Two things influence ad rates: Best of both worlds:
Advertising Rates Sweeps months
Entertainment TV Issues
Fragmenting Commercial TV Audience The Big & Only Three start in late 1940s “Recent” TV networks
Recent TV Network Strategies Fox & CW: Sought younger audiences UPN & Ion: Sought niche audiences
Battle for Audiences Fewer programs draw mass audiences Commercial networks now draw 40% of nightly audiences Stick with success
Lack of Diversity Minority presence Representations of Women
Reality-Based TV Origins Success of Survivor Appeal of shows to networks
Result “White Bread” Commercial Network TV Cable Network TV
Gaming can make a better world