The Five Senses By Stevie Escalera
First You Should Know What Your 5 Senses Show! See Smell Taste Touch Hear Your five senses are the things you can see, smell, taste, touch, and hear. With these you can create a poem that will connect with your readers.
What do you SEE? What could it be? What are some of the things you see in these pictures? A hat, cat, mat, and rat? All the things you can view with your eyes make up the “see” sense. Including these in your poem helps the reader put an image with your words.
What do you SMELL? I think you know it well! Close your eyes and image smelling the items in this picture. Talking about cookies in your poem is great but talking about how they smell is even better! Saying things like “the cookies smelled fresh and warm” can help readers relate and almost taste what you are describing.
What do you TASTE? Don’t let it go to waste! I am going to pass around some of these items. Raise your hand and tell me how they taste. Adding how things actually taste instead of just saying what they are makes your poem more detailed.
What do you FEEL? What’s the deal? What do you feel? Feeling things helps readers understand what you are talking about. Soft, cold, warm, heavy, prickly, slimy, and light are all what you could feel.
What do you HEAR? Is it near? Hearing is another important sense because it can help determine the level of sound you hear. Adding sense of sound allows your readers to imagine what you hear.
Fill It In! Can you win? Fill in the blank with the correct sense! 1. I am looking at a bee inside of a tree! ________ 2. Up my nose it goes! ________ 3. I love gum because it is so yum! ________ 4. The pen I use to write is very light! ________ 5. Every time he is around he makes a sound! ________ Beside each sentence, write down which sense it is describing. Whoever has the most correct answers gets a special surprise!