Mental Health Issues: The Role of Schools Dr Pooky Knightsmith Director: children, young people & schools Charlie Waller Memorial Trust Write notes here
@PookyH @charliewtrust
PhD in child and adolescent mental health Focus on practical strategies Consultation with young people, their parents and the staff who work with them ‘Lived experience’
How can you tell if someone has mental health issues?
Isolated / withdrawn Low self-esteem Accidental? Likely story? Repeated? Physical injuries Personality change Neglect Change in appetite Change in sleep Unhappy
Easy to miss warning signs Abuse or self-abuse? Easy to miss warning signs Physical Health Behaviour Change Late / Absent Academic Change
But sometimes…
Pastoral Teaching The role of the School
Pastoral The role of the School
1. Policies & Procedures
Policy Is it relevant? Is it practical? Do people use it? Are staff named? Link
2. Skills Development
3. Collaboration
Teaching The role of the School
Teach & Train about it Teach pupils Train staff Parent workshops Link
Keeping it safe… 1 2 3 Design activities for the most vulnerable pupil Consider age & stage of this class Design activities for the most vulnerable pupil Signpost sources of support: What, How & Why
Lovely Free Stuff from CWMT…
Free Book Club for School Mental Health Leads @CharlieWTrust | @PookyH
Mental Health: Weekly Online Learning for Staff working with CYP @CharlieWTrust | @PookyH
@CharlieWTrust | @PookyH Mental Health: Free training and workshops for school staff, pupils and parents @CharlieWTrust | @PookyH
In Summary:
STOP box ticking Develop meaningful and relevant policies and procedures with CYP at their heart
Connect, collaborate and move forwards together LOOK around you Connect, collaborate and move forwards together
LISTEN to CYP Every child has a right to feel listened to. Five minutes in your busy day can be transformative for a child in need. @PookyH