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Instructions for Christmas Concentration Two teams play alternately. After answering a review question correctly (and being awarded points – say, 50) the first team chooses TWO numbers. The PowerPoint operator clicks once on each of the two numbers. Two Christmas pictures will be revealed. If the pictures are not identical, click once on each picture and the numbers will cover them up again. Then the next team will win their chance to play by answering a review question. They can choose two numbers, but may prefer to ask for only one to be revealed at first, in case they have seen its matching partner and can recall where it is. If matching pictures are found, award bonus points- say 25. Leave the pictures on display. But remember NOT TO CLICK ON MATCHED pictures, as the number will obscure them again. If so, simply click the numbers again to remove them. As an extra bonus, the team that finds the glittery star gets extra points (say, a further 25). They can then go on to pick their two penguins to try to create a matching pair. DO NOT click the star or you will go to the next slide. A humorous message will send you back to the previous slide. This game has been made by Catherine Slight and Lin Pearson, of EffectiveChildrensMinistry.org. This is the blog where you will find more free downloadable games and resources for children’s ministry. We ask that you do not copy or redistribute this without including this slide with the attributions