Ancient Mesopotamia Sumer & Babylon
Sumer Region in southern Mesopotamia Sumerians made some of the 1st wheeled vehicles Made simple machines Pottery Wheels Explored new ideas in math & science Invented a system of writing
Cuneiform System of writing invented in Sumer Appeared around 3500 B.C. Developed to record farm surplus 500 signs used regularly
School in Sumer It was an honor to go to school Boys and very rarely girls learned to be scribes Scribes also studied mathematics
City-States of Sumer City-state a self governing city that also governs surrounding villages. City-States in Sumer Ur Uruk Eridu
Living in a Sumerian City City-states went to war To gain control of precious river water City gates were built for protection King’s palace could be seen from anywhere Ziggurat stood in the center of the city. Large building with a temple on top
Religion in Sumer Polytheism -> the belief in many gods Ziggurat located in center of city Indicates religion was important Each city-state had a special god Example of Sumerian Gods Ishtar – goddess of love & war Enki – god of water
Uniting the City-States Sargon – king of Kish United the city-states of Sumer Expanded the empire north Traded with sea-faring people Cuneiform spread through the Fertile Crescent.