Properties of Groups on the Periodic Table
What is similar about elements in a Group (column) on the periodic table? 1. Elements in a Group (column) have similar physical and chemical properties. 2. This means elements in a Group are more like each other than any other element!
What are 3 examples of Physical Properties? 1.How an element looks or feels ( soft? hard? shiny? dull? malleable? brittle? ductile? ) 2.Atomic structure (how many protons? neutrons? electrons?) 3.Conductivity (good conductor of heat? of electricity?)
What is 1 example of a chemical property? The reactivity of an element when it combines with other elements. It has to do with the valence electrons. (does it explode? does it make a new chemical? does it produce light? maybe it does nothing!)
What are the properties of Alkali Metals? Group 1—Alkali Metals
What are the properties of Alkali Metals? Group 1—Alkali Metals 1. Soft 2. Extremely reactive 3. 1 valence electron Sodium
Alkali Metals Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubidium Cesium Francium
What are the properties of Alkaline Earth Metals? Group 2—Alkaline Earth Metals
What are the properties of Alkaline Earth Metals? Group 2—Alkaline Earth Metals 1. Soft (but not as soft as group 1). 2. Very reactive (but not as reactive as group 1). 3. 2 valence electrons Calcium in water Calcium
Alkaline Earth Metals Beryllium Magnesium Calcium Strontium Barium Radium
What are the properties of the Transition Metals? Groups 3-12—Transition Metals Lanthanide and Actinide Series
What are the properties of the Transition Metals? Groups 3-12—Transition Metals 1.Hardest metals (high melting and boiling points) 2.Best conductors out of all metals 3. Can react, but usually make mixtures like alloys
What are the properties of the Transition Metals? Groups 3-12—Transition Metals Pennies are an alloy of 98% zinc and2% copper. Zinc and copper are both transition metals!
Transition Metals Many!
What are the properties of the Group 13-16? Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, & Oxygen Groups Nothing special about these groups, they contain all types of elements. Group 13 has 3 valence electrons, Group 14 has 4, Group 15 has 5, etc.
Groups 13 - 16 Boron Group Carbon Group Oxygen Group Nitrogen Group
What are the properties of the Halogens? Group 17: Halogens
What are the properties of the Halogens? Group 17: Halogens 1. 7 valence electrons 2. Extremely reactive 3. Gain Electrons
What are the properties of the Noble Gases? Group 18: Noble Gases
What are the properties of the Noble Gases? Group 18: Noble Gases 1. Colorless and odorless 2. 8 valence electrons they have a full outer orbital, this is why they don’t react 3. Inert gases meaning they are unreactive with other elements!
Label the Groups
Output: Conclusion: Write 5 sentences describing the properties of the groups of the periodic table. Include the alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, halogens, and inert/noble gases.