Dan Harnos, Jessica Colberg, Joseph Ching, Michelle Pitcel bl_pbl_physics Dan Harnos, Jessica Colberg, Joseph Ching, Michelle Pitcel
Scheme options Option 1: YSU (Control) Option 0: No PBL scheme Prognostic: none Diagnostic: exec_h Cloud mixing: QC, QI Option 0: No PBL scheme Option 5: MYNN2 Prognostic: QKE Diagnostic: Tsq, Qsq, Cov, exch_h, exch_m Cloud mixing: QC Tsq: Variance of theta1 Qsq: Variance of qw QKE: 2x the turbulent kinetic energy Exch_h: turbulent coefficient for heat Exch_m: turbulent coefficient for momentum
More realistic as heating should induce mixing of the boundary layer *Winds are stronger (more mixing occurs) with boundary layer physics included. *More realistic as heating should induce mixing of the boundary layer *With no physics, minimal mixing occurs Winds are stronger (more mixing occurs) with boundary layer physics included. More realistic as heating should induce mixing of the boundary layer With no physics, minimal mixing occurs
Temperature appears to be independent of the scheme Minimal differences appear with the varying model setups *Temperature appears to be independent of the scheme *Minimal differences appear with the varying model setups
Scheme 5 has the most definite layers of humidity between the 3 setups Much more variation, although it seems this should indicate less mixing This may be better handled by scheme 1 *Scheme 5 has the most definite layers of humidity between the 3 setups *Much more variation, although it seems this should indicate less mixing *This may be better handled by scheme 1
Vertical motion seems to vary minimally between all the schemes Minimal differences appear with the varying model setups *Vertical motion seems to vary minimally between all the schemes *Minimal differences appear with the varying model setups
PBL Scheme flux comparisons Different Net ground heat flux Downward LW flux at surface Upward LW flux at TOA Upward sensible heat flux at surface Upward latent heat flux at surface Upward LW flux at Surface Identical Downward SW flux at surface Upward SW flux at TOA Downward SW flux at TOA Upward SW flux at surface Downward LW flux at TOA (zero)
Conclusions Both PBL schemes show realistic boundary layer development with minimal differences. No PBL scheme captures surface reasonably well, although BL features lack depth. Diurnal cycle and temporal spacing captured well across all. Selection of PBL scheme dependent upon your simulation If ice in BL use option 1, etc.
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