Lecture 13: Reduce Cache Miss Rates Cache optimization approaches, cache miss classification, This lecture will cover sections 1.1-1.4: introduction, application, technology trends, cost and price. Adapted from UCB CS252 S01
What Is Memory Hierarchy A typical memory hierarchy today: Here we focus on L1/L2/L3 caches and main memory Proc/Regs L1-Cache Bigger Faster L2-Cache L3-Cache (optional) Memory Disk, Tape, etc.
Why Memory Hierarchy? 1000 Performance 100 10 1 µProc 60%/yr. 1980: no cache in µproc; 1995 2-level cache on chip (1989 first Intel µproc with a cache on chip) µProc 60%/yr. 1000 CPU “Moore’s Law” 100 Processor-Memory Performance Gap: (grows 50% / year) Performance 10 DRAM 7%/yr. DRAM Y-axis is performance X-axis is time Latency Cliché: Not e that x86 didn’t have cache on chip until 1989 1 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Generations of Microprocessors Time of a full cache miss in instructions executed: 1st Alpha: 340 ns/5.0 ns = 68 clks x 2 or 136 2nd Alpha: 266 ns/3.3 ns = 80 clks x 4 or 320 3rd Alpha: 180 ns/1.7 ns =108 clks x 6 or 648 1/2X latency x 3X clock rate x 3X Instr/clock 4.5X 1st generation Latency 1/2 but Clock rate 3X and IPC is 3X Now move to other 1/2 of industry
Area Costs of Caches Processor % Area %Transistors (cost) (power) Intel 80386 0% 0% Alpha 21164 37% 77% StrongArm SA110 61% 94% Pentium Pro 64% 88% 2 dies per package: Proc/I$/D$ + L2$ Itanium 92% Caches store redundant data only to close performance gap 1/3 to 2/3s of area of processor 386 had 0; successor PPro has second die!
What Is Exactly Cache? Small, fast storage used to improve average access time to slow memory; usually made by SRAM Exploits locality: spatial and temporal In computer architecture, almost everything is a cache! Register file is the fastest place to cache variables First-level cache a cache on second-level cache Second-level cache a cache on memory Memory a cache on disk (virtual memory) TLB a cache on page table Branch-prediction a cache on prediction information? Branch-target buffer can be implemented as cache Beyond architecture: file cache, browser cache, proxy cache Here we focus on L1 and L2 caches (L3 optional) as buffers to main memory
Example: 1 KB Direct Mapped Cache Assume a cache of 2N bytes, 2K blocks, block size of 2M bytes; N = M+K (#block times block size) (32 - N)-bit cache tag, K-bit cache index, and M-bit cache The cache stores tag, data, and valid bit for each block Cache index is used to select a block in SRAM (Recall BHT, BTB) Block tag is compared with the input tag A word in the data block may be selected as the output Index 1 2 3 : Cache Data Byte 0 4 31 Tag Example: 0x50 Ex: 0x01 0x50 Stored as part of the cache “state” Valid Bit Byte 1 Byte 31 Byte 32 Byte 33 Byte 63 Byte 992 Byte 1023 Cache Tag Block offset Ex: 0x00 9 Block address Let’s use a specific example with realistic numbers: assume we have a 1 KB direct mapped cache with block size equals to 32 bytes. In other words, each block associated with the cache tag will have 32 bytes in it (Row 1). With Block Size equals to 32 bytes, the 5 least significant bits of the address will be used as byte select within the cache block. Since the cache size is 1K byte, the upper 32 minus 10 bits, or 22 bits of the address will be stored as cache tag. The rest of the address bits in the middle, that is bit 5 through 9, will be used as Cache Index to select the proper cache entry. +2 = 30 min. (Y:10)
For Questions About Cache Design Block placement: Where can a block be placed? Block identification: How to find a block in the cache? Block replacement: If a new block is to be fetched, which of existing blocks to replace? (if there are multiple choice) Write policy: What happens on a write?
Where Can A Block Be Placed What is a block: divide memory space into blocks as cache is divided A memory block is the basic unit to be cached Direct mapped cache: there is only one place in the cache to buffer a given memory block N-way set associative cache: N places for a given memory block Like N direct mapped caches operating in parallel Reducing miss rates with increased complexity, cache access time, and power consumption Fully associative cache: a memory block can be put anywhere in the cache
Set Associative Cache Set associative or direct mapped? Discuss later Example: Two-way set associative cache Cache index selects a set of two blocks The two tags in the set are compared to the input in parallel Data is selected based on the tag comparison Set associative or direct mapped? Discuss later Cache Index Valid Cache Tag Cache Data Cache Data Cache Block 0 Cache Tag Valid : Cache Block 0 : : : This is called a 2-way set associative cache because there are two cache entries for each cache index. Essentially, you have two direct mapped cache works in parallel. This is how it works: the cache index selects a set from the cache. The two tags in the set are compared in parallel with the upper bits of the memory address. If neither tag matches the incoming address tag, we have a cache miss. Otherwise, we have a cache hit and we will select the data on the side where the tag matches occur. This is simple enough. What is its disadvantages? +1 = 36 min. (Y:16) Compare Adr Tag Compare 1 Sel1 Mux Sel0 OR Cache Block Hit
How to Find a Cached Block Direct mapped cache: the stored tag for the cache block matches the input tag Fully associative cache: any of the stored N tags matches the input tag Set associative cache: any of the stored K tags for the cache set matches the input tag Cache hit latency is decided by both tag comparison and data access
Which Block to Replace? Direct mapped cache: Not an issue For set associative or fully associative* cache: Random: Select candidate blocks randomly from the cache set LRU (Least Recently Used): Replace the block that has been unused for the longest time FIFO (First In, First Out): Replace the oldest block Usually LRU performs the best, but hard (and expensive) to implement *Think fully associative cache as a set associative one with a single set
What Happens on Writes Where to write the data if the block is found in cache? Write through: new data is written to both the cache block and the lower-level memory Help to maintain cache consistency Write back: new data is written only to the cache block Lower-level memory is updated when the block is replaced A dirty bit is used to indicate the necessity Help to reduce memory traffic What happens if the block is not found in cache? Write allocate: Fetch the block into cache, then write the data (usually combined with write back) No-write allocate: Do not fetch the block into cache (usually combined with write through)
Real Example: Alpha 21264 Caches 64KB 2-way associative instruction cache 64KB 2-way associative data cache I-cache D-cache
Alpha 21264 Data Cache D-cache: 64K 2-way associative Use 48-bit virtual address to index cache, use tag from physical address 48-bit Virtual=>44-bit address 512 block (9-bit blk index) Cache block size 64 bytes (6-bit offset)t Tag has 44-(9+6)=29 bits Writeback and write allocated (We will study virtual-physical address translation)
Cache performance Calculate average memory access time (AMAT) Example: hit time = 1 cycle, miss time = 100 cycle, miss rate = 4%, than AMAT = 1+100*4% = 5 Calculate cache impact on processor performance Note cycles spent on cache hit is usually counted into execution cycles If clock cycle is identical, better AMAT means better performance
Example: Evaluating Split Inst/Data Cache Unified vs Split Inst/data cache (Harvard Architecture) Example on page 406/407 Assume 36% data ops 74% accesses from instructions (1.0/1.36) 16KB I&D: Inst miss rate=0.4%, data miss rate=11.4%, overall 3.24% 32KB unified: Aggregate miss rate=3.18% Which design is better? hit time=1, miss time=100 Note that data hit has 1 stall for unified cache (only one port) AMATHarvard=74%x(1+0.4%x100)+26%x(1+11.4%x100) = 4.24 AMATUnified=74%x(1+3.18%x100)+26%x(1+1+3.18%x100)= 4.44 Proc I-Cache-1 Unified Cache-1 Cache-2 D-Cache-1
Disadvantage of Set Associative Cache Compare n-way set associative with direct mapped cache: Has n comparators vs. 1 comparator Has Extra MUX delay for the data Data comes after hit/miss decision and set selection In a direct mapped cache, cache block is available before hit/miss decision Use the data assuming the access is a hit, recover if found otherwise Cache Data Cache Block 0 Cache Tag Valid : Cache Index Mux 1 Sel1 Sel0 Cache Block Compare Adr Tag OR Hit First of all, a N-way set associative cache will need N comparators instead of just one comparator (use the right side of the diagram for direct mapped cache). A N-way set associative cache will also be slower than a direct mapped cache because of this extra multiplexer delay. Finally, for a N-way set associative cache, the data will be available AFTER the hit/miss signal becomes valid because the hit/mis is needed to control the data MUX. For a direct mapped cache, that is everything before the MUX on the right or left side, the cache block will be available BEFORE the hit/miss signal (AND gate output) because the data does not have to go through the comparator. This can be an important consideration because the processor can now go ahead and use the data without knowing if it is a Hit or Miss. Just assume it is a hit. Since cache hit rate is in the upper 90% range, you will be ahead of the game 90% of the time and for those 10% of the time that you are wrong, just make sure you can recover. You cannot play this speculation game with a N-way set-associatvie cache because as I said earlier, the data will not be available to you until the hit/miss signal is valid. +2 = 38 min. (Y:18)
Example: Evaluating Set Associative Cache Suppose a processor with 1GHz speed, Ideal (no misses) CPI = 2.0 1.5 memory references per instruction Two cache organization alternatives Direct mapped, 1.4% miss rate, hit time 1 cycle, miss penalty 75ns 2-way set associative, 1.0% miss rate, increase cycle time by 1.25x, hit time 1 cycle, miss penalty 75ns Performance evaluation by AMAT Direct mapped: 1.0 + (0.014 x 75) = 2.05ns 2-way set associative: 1.0 x 1.25 + (0.10 x 75) = 2.00ns Performance evaluation by CPU time CPU Time 1 = IC x (2x1.0 + (1.5x0.014x75) = 3.58 IC CPU Time 2 = IC x (2x1.0x1.25 + 1.5x0.010x75)=3.63IC Better AMAT does not indicate better CPI time, since non-memory instructions are penalized
Evaluating Cache Performance for Out-of-order Processors Recall AMAT = hit time + miss rate x miss penalty Very difficult to define miss penalty to fit in this simple model, in the context of OOO processors Consider overlapping between computation and memory accesses Consider overlapping among memory accesses for more than one misses We may assume a certain percentage of overlapping In practice, the degree of overlapping varies significantly between There are techniques to increase the overlapping, making the cache performance even unpredictable Cache hit time can also be overlapped The increase of CPI is usually not counted in memory stall time
Simple Example Consider an OOO processors into the previous example (slide 18) Slow clock (1.25x base cycle time) Direct mapped cache Overlapping degree of 30% Average miss penalty = 70% * 75ns = 52.5ns AMAT = 1.0x1.25 + (0.014x52.5) = 1.99ns CPU time = ICx(2x1.0x1.25+(1.5x0.014x52.5))=3.60xIC Compare: 3.58 for in-order + direct mapped, 3.63 for in-order + two-way associative This is only a simplified example; ideal CPI could be improved by OOO execution