CMPE 280 Web UI Design and Development October 19 Class Meeting Department of Computer Engineering San Jose State University Fall 2017 Instructor: Ron Mak
Express/MongoDB Example A very simple example of Express on the server side accessing a MongoDB database. We will display some user documents that each contains a user name and an email address. Recall that a document is analogous to a record in a relational database. Recall that a collection is analogous to to a relational table. We will add new documents.
Install the Express Generator The generator creates project scaffolding. ~: npm install -g express-generator (node:24252) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported. If you are using the graceful-fs module, please update it to a more recent version. /usr/local/bin/express -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/express-generator/bin/express-cli.js /usr/local/lib └── express-generator@4.15.5
Create a New Express Project ~: express nodetest1 warning: the default view engine will not be jade in future releases warning: use `--view=jade' or `--help' for additional options create : nodetest1 create : nodetest1/package.json create : nodetest1/app.js create : nodetest1/public create : nodetest1/routes create : nodetest1/routes/index.js create : nodetest1/routes/users.js create : nodetest1/views create : nodetest1/views/index.jade create : nodetest1/views/layout.jade create : nodetest1/views/error.jade create : nodetest1/bin create : nodetest1/bin/www create : nodetest1/public/javascripts create : nodetest1/public/images create : nodetest1/public/stylesheets create : nodetest1/public/stylesheets/style.css install dependencies: $ cd nodetest1 && npm install run the app: $ DEBUG=nodetest1:* npm start
Add Project Dependencies Modify nodetest1/package.json { ... "dependencies": { "body-parser": "~1.18.2", "cookie-parser": "~1.4.3", "debug": "~2.6.9", "express": "~4.15.5", "jade": "~1.11.0", "mongodb": "^2.2.25", "monk": "^4.0.0", "morgan": "~1.9.0", "serve-favicon": "~2.4.5" } } Monk: “A tiny layer that provides simple yet substantial usability improvements for MongoDB usage within Node.JS.”
Start the node.js Web Server First install the dependencies: Then start the node.js web server: Send your web browser to localhost:3000 ~: npm install ~: npm start > nodetest1@0.0.0 start /Users/rmak/nodetest1 > node ./bin/www Demo
“Hello World” In routes/index.js var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); /* GET home page. */ router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { res.render('index', { title: 'Express' }); }); /* GET Hello World page. */ router.get('/helloworld', function(req, res) { res.render('helloworld', { title: 'Hello, World!' });
“Hello World” cont’d In views/helloworld.jade Send your web browser to localhost:3000/helloworld extends layout block content h1= title p Hello, World! Welcome to #{title} Demo
Initialize the MongoDB Database Start the MongoDB shell. Insert the first document: /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/3.2.10: mongo MongoDB shell version: 3.2.10 connecting to: test Server has startup warnings: 2017-10-19T02:30:02.649-0700 I CONTROL [initandlisten] 2017-10-19T02:30:02.649-0700 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: soft rlimits too low. Number of files is 256, should be at least 1000 > use nodetest1 switched to db nodetest1 > db.usercollection.insert({ "username" : "testuser1", "email" : "" }) WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) Collection usercollection is automatically created the first time we add to it.
Initialize the MongoDB Database, cont’d > db.usercollection.find().pretty() { "_id" : ObjectId("59e8711733b5f794be534cda"), "username" : "testuser1", "email" : "" } Yes, it was successfully inserted. So insert two more documents.
Initialize the MongoDB Database, cont’d > newstuff = [{ "username" : "testuser2", "email" : "" }, { "username" : "testuser3", "email" : "" }] [ { "username" : "testuser2", "email" : "" }, "username" : "testuser3", "email" : "" } ] > db.usercollection.insert(newstuff); BulkWriteResult({ "writeErrors" : [ ], "writeConcernErrors" : [ ], "nInserted" : 2, "nUpserted" : 0, "nMatched" : 0, "nModified" : 0, "nRemoved" : 0, "upserted" : [ ] })
Initialize the MongoDB Database, cont’d > db.usercollection.find().pretty() { "_id" : ObjectId("59e8711733b5f794be534cda"), "username" : "testuser1", "email" : "" } "_id" : ObjectId("59e8715233b5f794be534cdb"), "username" : "testuser2", "email" : "" "_id" : ObjectId("59e8715233b5f794be534cdc"), "username" : "testuser3", "email" : ""
Connect to the MongoDB Database In app.js Use Monk to connect to the database nodetest1 at the default MongoDB port 27017. Make the database accessible to the router: var mongo = require('mongodb'); var monk = require('monk'); var db = monk('localhost:27017/nodetest1'); app.use(function(req, res, next) { req.db = db; next(); } );
Display Database Data In routes/index.js /* GET Userlist page. */ router.get('/userlist', function(req, res) { var db = req.db; var collection = db.get('usercollection'); collection.find({}, {}, function(e, docs) res.render('userlist', { "userlist" : docs }); }); } ); Fill the docs with database documents and then render them.
Display Database Data, cont’d In views/userlist.jade Send your web browser to localhost:3000/userlist block content h1. User List ul each user, i in userlist li a(href="mailto:#{}")= user.username Demo
Display the New User Form In routes/index.js /* GET New User page. */ router.get('/newuser', function(req, res) { res.render('newuser', { title: 'Add New User' }); });
Display the New User Form, cont’d In views/newuser.jade Send your web browser to localhost:3000/newuser extends layout block content h1= title form#formAddUser(name="adduser",method="post",action="/adduser") input#inputUserName(type="text", placeholder="username", name="username") input#inputUserEmail(type="text", placeholder="useremail", name="useremail") button#btnSubmit(type="submit") submit Demo
Add a New User In routes/index.js /* POST to Add User Service */'/adduser', function(req, res) { // Set our internal DB variable var db = req.db; // Get our form values. These rely on the "name" attributes var userName = req.body.username; var userEmail = req.body.useremail; // Set our collection var collection = db.get('usercollection');
Add a New User, cont’d In routes/index.js, cont’d // Submit to the DB collection.insert( { "username" : userName, "email" : userEmail }, function (err, doc) { if (err) // If it failed, return error res.send("There was a problem."); } else // And forward to success page res.redirect("userlist"); }); });
Add a New User, cont’d Send your web browser to localhost:3000/newuser The completed application would have much more error checking. Demo
Assignment #4 Add a MongoDB database to your project. Create web pages to: display documents add and delete documents update documents You must use Express and either Monk or Mongoose to talk to the database. Monk: Mongoose: