How to use SwiftColor Problem: You can not take out [error code] and [Log file ]. Answer: Do you have Service Utility to check both information?
Procedure[Error code] and [Log file ] Please click(left) on [The Service Utility] connecting your PC with a printer that you would like to take out [error code] or [log file].
Procedure1[Error code] Please click (left) on [Save the history in a file] in [Information] dialog box.
Propcedure2(Error code) Please click(left) on [Next]. after putting a name that you would like to keep.
Procedure1(Log file) Please click(left) on [Select a File] in [Troubleshooting] dialog box.
Procedure2 (Log file) Please click (left) on [Save] after putting a name that you would like to keep.
Procedure3 (Log file) Please click(left) on [Read] in [Troubleshooting] dialog box, and [Communication] dialog box shows up. Please wait for the completion of communication.
Procedure(Error code) and (Log file) Please send information to us as the left screen shot when you have a issue in your printer.
Procedure(Error code) and (Log file) Please send information to us as the left screen shot when you have a issue in your printer.
The end IF you have any questions you would like to know, Please send an e-mail to me. I will solve your questions with a News letter. ・My e-mail is Thank you for checking our technical information about SwiftColor!!!