Traveling by Water
Yachts are large luxury boats that can be lived in or used for travel.
Naval ships are used to transport sailors and equipment when conducting military jobs.
The Navy uses submarines to travel deep under the ocean to conduct military missions. Scientists also use submarines to learn about ocean life and shipwrecked vessels.
Canoes are used by many people to take relaxing fishing trips on the water.
White water rafting is an exciting form of water transportation White water rafting is an exciting form of water transportation. Large inflatable rafts are used to transport people down rapid rivers for a wild ride.
Water skiing is also a form of transportation Water skiing is also a form of transportation. After skis are placed on the rider’s feet, the skier holds on to a rope that is connected to a boat. The boat then pulls them as they ride on the water.
Ferry boats transport people and vehicles from one land mass to another.
Cargo ships transport goods from one place to another Cargo ships transport goods from one place to another. These goods can be anything such as clothing, food, or even cars.
What are some other types of water transportation What are some other types of water transportation? Can you name some that weren’t listed here?